libreoffice basic programming guide pdf
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The following example uses this method to create an object of cell C3. The following example writes the "Just a Test." Base Guides | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides en / English documentation / Base Guides Base Guides Download PDF Buy a printed copy Guide Source Files Read in your browser Download PDF Buy a printed copy Download PDF Buy a printed copy Download PDF For detailed information check out our wiki page. therefore ensures that the text is preceded by a tab character (Unicode-value 9) and that a hard line break (Unicode-value 13) is added after the text. The computer saves the strings internally as a sequence of numbers where each number represents one specific character. To do this, they are converted into their hexadecimal value in the UTF-8 set of characters and are preceded by a percent sign. The properties are accessed by means of cascading expressions (for example, Range.Font.AllCaps). In LibreOffice Basic, the * placeholder may however only be the last character of a file name and/or file extension, which is not the case in VBA. The following example creates two objects that reference the first row and the first column of a sheet and stores the references in the FirstCol and FirstRow object variables. Once the database connection has been established, the code used in the example first uses the Connection.createObject call to create a Statement object. The watch window of the Basic IDE can display the properties of a Uno object (but not the methods, not the interfaces). For all axes an additional title can be displayed. LibreOffice Basic provides the getPropertyState method, with which programmers can check how a certain property was formatted. If you want to cleanly structure your code to prevent generating errors when you use this construct, you should not use jump commands without monitoring them. One of these is used to query the value of the property and the other is issued to set it (get and set methods). The flags specified in clearContents come from the constants list. If a cell contains a numerical value, then the example changes the formatting correspondingly. The best way to learn Python is a simple text editor with syntax highlighting. Note - VBA : Compatibility between Basic and VBA relates to the Basic language as well as the runtime library. In accordance with UNO philosophy, an Obj is described as a reference to an object which supports the service. This function is not available in dialogs. The control elements available in forms are similar to those of dialogs. Programmers of other languages such as Java, C++, or Delphi should also find it easy to familiarize themselves with LibreOffice Basic. LibreOffice Basic predefines several constants. The following parameters can be specified here: The following example is virtually the same as the preceding example, but the Dir function transfers the value 16 as a parameter, which returns the sub-directories of a folder rather than the file names. In a similar way to the search window, the settings needed for a search can be set in the SearchDescriptor object. The functions responsible are insertByName, removeByName and replaceByName. The easiest way is to assign the format properties directly to the text sequence. Special cell formatting is handled by the service. The following example uses the hasByName method to check if a sheet called MySheet exists. Buy a printed copy. Combo boxes ( service) support the following properties: Tree boxes ( service) support the following properties: In many respects, the structure of LibreOffice forms corresponds to the #dialogs. You can assign a date to a date variable through the assignment of a simple string: This assignment can function properly because LibreOffice Basic automatically converts the date value defined as a string into a date variable. The Replace function used for replacing does not fall within the standard linguistic scope of LibreOffice Basic. A recursive procedure or function is one that has the ability to call itself until it detects that some base condition has been satisfied. In the first example, the sheet is accessed by its number (counting begins at 0). The legend has a gray background color, is placed at the bottom of the chart, and has a character size of 7 points. The, a Boolean variable which specifies whether the, In the hexadecimal system (base 16 system), a 2-digit number corresponds to precisely one byte. It first creates the service and then displays the supported properties and methods in message boxes. Note: The Form Functions Toolbar is also used to switch between modes. You can page through and search in the selected tables and queries, as well as change data records and insert new data records. The previous example creates a bar chart. In this guide, a table-based document or spreadsheet document is the entire document, whereas a spreadsheet (or sheet for short) is a sheet (table) in the document. A TextCursor in the LibreOffice API is comparable with the visible cursor used in a LibreOffice document. For more information and examples of this service, see #Formatting Spreadsheet Documents. The TimeSerial function formats time details in the same way that the DateSerial function formats dates: Their parameters should be specified in the sequence: hours, minutes, seconds. The following functions are available in LibreOffice Basic to retrieve the system time and system date: Working with files is one of the basic tasks of an application. The As keyword syntax, and the fact that a comma is not used, goes back to the roots of the Basic language. If the user presses several keys to output a single character (for example, to add an accent to a character), then LibreOffice Basic only creates one event. LibreOffice Basic recognizes the following mouse events: Note: For example, LibreOffice Basic only allows special characters in markers when using Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects. An object which supports the service is concealed behind a query. A page provides methods getName and setName to read and modify its name. The Rows and Columns objects of a sheet can access existing rows and columns as well as insert and delete them. The control elements of a form can be linked with an external database table. In addition to direct formatting, you can also format text using templates. The associated service supports line and fill properties. The language of LibreOffice Basic: Defines the elementary linguistic constructs, for example, for variable declarations, loops, and functions. The function returns a number that contains the position at which the StringToFind first appears within MyString; a return value of zero indicates no match. This object allows you to directly access the content of a dialog or control element. VBA: Unlike VBA, LibreOffice Basic ensures that the name of a local variable is not used simultaneously as a global and a private variable in the module header. The basic functionality for the individual document objects is provided by the service. In other words, code (like the above examples) that works in a particular document type should also work for the associated template type. LibreOffice provides hundreds of services. The StarDesktop object replaces the Application object of StarOffice 5 which previously applied as a root object. The Print method of the interface is provided for this purpose. Some DOS-specific file and directory functions are no longer provided in LibreOffice, or their function is only limited. The found expressions differ by up to two letters from the search expression: Note: It accesses the array of models using the GetGroupByName method (rather than the GetByName method to determine simple models). MsgBox displays a basic information box, which can have one or more buttons. To do this, a free file handle is needed, which clearly identifies the file for subsequent file access. The type is declared in the same way as a variable declaration: If the return type is not specified (see first example of this page), the function returns a variant. The following call determines the environment variables of the temporary directory of the operating system: LibreOffice objects and methods, such as paragraphs, spreadsheets, and fonts, are accessible to LibreOffice Basic through the LibreOffice application programming interface, or API. Note: For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit The following is a practical example of this. LibreOffice Basic dialogs consist of a dialog window that can contain text fields, list boxes, radio buttons, and other control elements. Clicking on this symbol opens a text field, in which a comment on the current point in the text can be recorded. Sunday is considered the first day of the week. All objects that support the service also provide support for the paragraph properties in LibreOffice dialogs and forms are based on an event-oriented programming model where you can assign event handlers to the control elements. Many of the styles that are described are also available for text documents. Unlike LibreOffice Basic identifiers, the names of control elements are case sensitive. You can close a dialog by clicking the close button on the title bar of the dialog window. getByIndex provides an object with a particular index. Regardless of this, the original methods are also available (in our example, getPosition and setPosition). Once the message box has been confirmed, it replaces the content of the window with the test2.odt file. Overview. VBA: The VBA option for issuing list entries with a numerical additional value (ItemData) does not exist in LibreOffice Basic. To do this, you first create a standard LibreOffice Writer or LibreOffice Calc form and then link the fields to a database. This code shows that you do not get the type that you specify. Its argument specifies the value that will be returned by execute method. = 1. To determine a special control element, all drawing elements of the drawing level must be searched through. Basic Guide - Computer Science and Engineering | Engineering With the aid of Doc, the example then creates an Enumeration object that traverses through the individual parts of the text (paragraphs and tables) and assigns the current element to TextElement object. The following example replaces three characters with the string is from the sixth position of the MyString string. LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 11 - LibreOffice Basic < Documentation | DevGuide Contents 1 First Steps with LibreOffice Basic 1.1 Step By Step Tutorial 1.2 Creating a Module in a Standard Library 1.3 Writing and Debugging a Basic UNO program 1.4 Calling a Sub from the User Interface 1.5 Creating Dialogs 1.6 Adding Event Handlers The minimum value of the Y-axis is fixed to 0 and the maximum value is fixed to 100 so that the resolution of the chart is retained even if the values are changed. Any modifications made to the data within the spreadsheet will also be reflected in the assigned chart. Again, the second parameter specifies the number of columns that you want to delete. The interpreter, which is needed to run LibreOffice Basic macros. It adds the NewPart section at the point of the search term Search. This chapter provides a background on the API. Instead, to simplify code maintenance and troubleshooting, you should create another procedure to serve as an entry point for event handling - even if it only executes a single call to the target procedure. The example creates a TextTables list containing all tables of a text that are traversed in a loop. If the position of the cell is fixed, it is more clear to use the following code: The above code also works with a named cell. All characters that follow an apostrophe are treated as comments: Markers can only contain Latin letters, numbers, and underscores (_). Note: LibreOffice does not limit the number of pages in a drawing document. Note: The fourth parameter of the loadComponentFromURL function is a PropertyValue data field. If A is less than 3 (but not equal to zero), then B is assigned the value 1. as the decimal point. Unlike the data sources presented in the previous section, the database connection must therefore be re-established every time the program is restarted. If the cursor of LibreOffice is in a cell, then the name of that cell can be seen in the status bar. There is no direct counterpart in LibreOffice Basic for the Characters, Sentences and Words lists provided in VBA. Whereas in VBA the paragraphs are accessed by their number (for example, by the Paragraph(1) call), in LibreOffice Basic, the Enumeration object described previously should be used. The insertNewByIndex method is obtained from the interface. This example shows how a text can be searched for the word "turnover" and the results formatted in bold type. A complete list of the paragraph properties can be found in the LibreOffice API reference. The values valid there can be found in the relevant VBA documentation. To make this possible, data sources are accessed by drivers. The CellInsertMode enumeration recognizes the following values: The removeRange method is the counterpart to the insertCells method. A string variable can store up to 65535 characters. VBA: In VBA, the formatting properties of an object are usually spread over a range of sub-objects (for example, Range.Font, Range.Borders, Range.Shading, Range.ParagraphFormat). Dialogs such as this one are described as modal because they do not permit any other program action until they are closed. A database is incorporated into LibreOffice by creating what is commonly referred to as a data source. A single variable can take up to four bytes of memory. The second section concentrates on how to edit spreadsheets efficiently by focusing on cell areas and the options for searching and replacing cell contents. In addition to these "real" properties, there are also properties in LibreOffice Basic which consist of two methods at the UNO level. VBA: While the type of a field in VBA is specified by a parameter of the Document.Fields.Add method, the name of the service that is responsible for the field type in question defines it in LibreOffice Basic. The assignments. getCount returns how many objects are available. Currency variables are mostly intended for business calculations that yield unforeseeable rounding errors due to the use of floating point numbers. The second parameter specifies the text that is to be saved as a line of the text file. The hasByName, getByName and insertByName methods are obtained from the interface as described in #Introduction to the API. Comparison operators can be applied to all elementary variable types (numbers, date details, strings, and Boolean values). These error messages can be avoided by checking the program before an assignment, in order to establish whether the content of the variable to be assigned matches the type of the target variable. The following example shows how to create a chart assigned to some cell ranges within a spreadsheet document: Although the code used in the example may appear to be complex, the central processes are limited to three lines. The bookmarks can either be accessed by their number or their name. The following sections describe the main formatting options for spreadsheet pages. More extensive navigation options, such as the possibility of modifying values, are therefore not included. Using Library.Module variable qualification grants explicit access to module-scoped variables: Constants are values which may be used but not changed by the program. The return value can be overwritten several times within the function. Then the new page is renamed. It returns the document object on which the macro is run. Text frame objects provide a range of properties with which the position and behavior of the frame can be influenced. As can be seen in the example from the previous section, LibreOffice provides a getString method for accessing table contents. Whereas previously there was an object called SearchSettings especially for defining the search options, in the new object searches are now performed using a SearchDescriptor or ReplaceDescriptor object for automatically replacing text. The functionality can, however, be imitated by using the IsBoolean function: The IsBoolean function defines an internal Dummy help variable of the Boolean type and tries to assign this to the transferred value. When working with 3D charts, a Z-axis is also sometimes provided. Some DOS-specific properties are no longer used in functions that expect file properties as parameters (for example, to differentiate from concealed files and system files). The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. It can access databases created by many database programs, including Microsoft Access, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Therefore, before copying the content from B to A, B has to be converted into A's internal format. These may be outside the flow of text and can be positioned anywhere on the page. The drawing object can, for example, be created as follows using a spreadsheet object: A paragraph template in a text document is created in the same way: The XNameAccess and XNameContainer interfaces are used in objects that contain subordinate objects, which can be addressed using a natural language name. This is called direct formatting. LibreOffice Basic lets you define parameters as optional, that is, if the corresponding values are not included in a call, LibreOffice Basic passes an empty parameter. These services relate to individual characters and paragraphs and are described in detail in #Text Documents. Line objects support all the general formatting services with the exception of areas. VBA: The page properties (page margins, borders, and so on) for a Microsoft Office document are defined by means of a PageSetup object at the Worksheet object (Excel) or Document object (Word) level. This example uses the insertByIndex method to insert a new column into the fourth column position in the sheet (index 3 - numbering starts at 0). The first section deals with the anatomy of text documents and concentrates on how a LibreOffice Basic program can be used to take iterative steps through a LibreOffice document. The call must take place before the next navigation command, otherwise the values will be lost. Extensive examples are provided to help you quickly develop your own Basic programs. The WaitUntil statement provides a greater degree of compatibility with VBA parameter usage. Each time the function is called, the values generated previously are not available. createUnoService creates an object which can be used universally. The basic structure of the example is oriented towards the examples for running though the paragraph portions of a text already discussed previously. For a detailed description please refer to the LibreOffice Basic Guide which is available separately. No action is performed to check if the status of the control element has actually changed. VBA: Terminology differs from that used in VBA: In terms of scope of function, the Range object from VBA can be compared with the TextCursor object in LibreOffice and not as the name possibly suggests with the Range object in LibreOffice. The program code then uses the Doc.createInstance call to create the rectangle drawing object as specified by the service. It is called a ReplaceDescriptor and supports the service. Predefined queries can be assigned to a data source. It returns the string produced in this way as the result of the replacement process. The symbol bars provided by LibreOffice show the common text properties such as font type, weight and size. Even though you can use these procedures in any module, it is best to limit their use to two modules. Example declarations of double variables: Currency variables differ from the other variable types by the way they handle values. Since replacing parts of character sequences is one of the most frequently used functions, the Mid function in LibreOffice Basic has been extended so that this task is performed automatically. However, whether the corresponding settings are based on template or direct formatting in the text is still unclear. The service does not provide any interfaces, but instead offers a range of properties through which character properties can be defined and called. The LINE_TOP value of the VertOrient property ensures that the upper edge of the text frame is at the same height as the upper edge of the character. The more functions a ResultSet provides, the more complex its implementation usually is and therefore the slower the functions are. A problem may arise if you click on No: the styles will not be updated, and the automatic-update feature will be turned off. Unlike in the InsertCells method , a parameter for performing automatic moves is not provided in the moveRange method. Visit Andrew Pitonyak's web page to get the latest PDF and ODT files of his book Note: The parameters are structured in the same way as the corresponding functions in XNameContainer. With indirect formatting, the user assigns a pre-defined template to the relevant text portion. They provide a mechanism through which all subordinate elements of an objects can be passed, step by step, without having to use direct addressing. 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