lake waco murders blog

lake waco murders blog

State law requires that when a citizen wants to file a complaint against the duly elected Sheriff of the county Continue reading BARRY JOHNSON IS HONESTY ENOUGH? Remember all the officers trying to get the PUBLIC to stop filming? Nixon is just so damned busy he can't sign his own document. Dr. Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON, DR. GARY BARBINS PATIENT , And just like that right between a Johnson and a Jones, Sherre's mugshot appeared. Two of the few people left there that had some honor and integrity. Brent McCain brings us his Youtube show and the scanner from that night. Before becoming fixer upper famous, Waco was known world wide for the 51 day stand off between Branch Davidians and Federal Agents. H. SUBSCRIBE FOR INSTANT E-MAIL UPDATES ON THE LATEST AND NEVER MISS OUT! The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamo (Studio71) In The Deep: Stories that Shape Us (iHeartMedia) Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang (iHeartMedia/Big Money Players) This is for people who follow McLennan County Mugshots, and there are 10K followers, it's if you see someone on the mugshots you like you still have a chance. , McLennan County Deputies Security TXDot MuckRock Sheriff's off duty deputies guard construction TxDot MuckRock Harry where have you been? What do you think? -H & Linda T CALL PARNELL!!! That's the question. No Driver Safety Awards for MCSO Deputies anytime soon.. SEE YOUR COUNTY GOVERNMENT COVER UP FOR YOURSELF, CAPTAIN CHRIS EUBANK LAYER OF THE GOLDEN EGG, A message from Charlotte Miller McNamara..MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE, The part of Mystery Deputy is now being played by Jessica Prebosnyak, CAPTAIN PAMELA WHITLOCK a/k/a CAPTAIN JUNE ALLYSON. Most officers Continue reading SUPERVISORS ASK FOR BODY CAMS PAR SAYS NO WAY , OH Judge Sexpest, if you keep it up I'm putting your name out there. Faces of 2021 Ole Sherre.Call Parnell, Call Eubanks! It took the Ambulance a whopping 45 minutes to get to the jail. This is John Johnston, also a public figure, used to be the Fire Chief until November of 2015, two months after his wife, Sherre, was shacked up with Mike Mc and he died 9-2-15, also John has to endure that wonderful 911 call, which, no matter how you slice it is Continue reading EVERYONE LOVES PAR. They were the worst I have ever seen., February 27, 2015 DWI #1 She gets off this one too. He introduced himself to her after the trial and they were married less than a year later. 2022 SHERRE WHITNEY-JOHNSTON DRIVING AWARD GOES TOO.PAULETTE PENDLEY! When a blind panel examined the alleged bite marks and a mold of Spence's teeth, two matched them to a Kansas housewife, and the other three could not match them to anyone's teeth. I really love it. Par ain't got the nads for it. So, what CAR was he doing security in? Oh, hell no, DAVID LACY hit them with a hefty 7.25% loan. Guess they realize they're peeps are worried about FACEBOOK and what people can get via OPEN RECORDS. Go get a lawyer. After a Continue reading The Strange Case of Dale Edwards & Drones!!! a Slo Burn Podcast. Two fishermen discovered the teens bodies, and the grisly crime scene shook even the most seasoned officers and had Waco residents wondering how something so horrific could happen here. Ask David Johnson, AND I had them tape the whole thing, they accidentally gave me the Continue reading MCNAMARA STOPS COLD CASE SQUAD FROM HEFELE INVESTIGATION FOR ASH MONEY , Kenneth says this ain't the man he knew in Kansas. Naw. Maybe he can counsel your daughter? This was no Continue reading MCSO FATALITY ACCIDENT QUESTIONS DEMAND ANSWERS , harrystorm PARNELL MCNAMARA: THE RECKONING Wyatt 46 min. In September that year, the investigation began to stall and was marked as "suspended." An anonymous letter has been sent to "Concerned Citizens" about the rampant spending and downright crooked dealings of our Sheriff and Continue reading SHERIFF MCNAMARA EXPOSED , For those of you who have, for the last 25 years, been hated and written about, AND your family members, with great glee by Tommy Witherspoon of the Waco Trib, it would seem the tables have turned and now, HIS son is in trouble, is he?, whoops, NO, he isn't. Nikki Pittman case in point. THIS is our Sheriff, you can Continue reading RACIST SHERIFF RACIST WIFE EMBARRASSMENT TO ALL , I don't know about you but I am pretty sick of the cowboy shit., Thank you Vic Feazell and Aubrey Robertson for FINALLY talking about the real WHAT and WHAT THE HELL is going on at Barry Johnson's office, not just bullshit. , After 8 long years of FAITHFULLLY paying down their Loan, perhaps it is time for DAVID LACY @ COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST to take a look at Parnell's Loan vs the Faithful Christians and ask himself WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?? Deeb, who had continued to protest his innocence, was found guilty of instigating the murders, and on March 14, he was sentenced to death by lethal injection. By Allie Roberts. EVEN Yost Zachary who now Continue reading BUTT HURT CHIEF OF POLICE CROOK CANCELS CAT TALK IN WOODWAY , WHAT WOULD JESUS DO???? Almost 80 people were killed on April 19, 1993, so it is an easy event to remember. Outstanding Blog Charlotte's Web Thoughts Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters Mombian My Fabulous Disease The Reckoning. Ask for an audit, Barry Johnson, do something. , SETH SUTTON Clint Broden, Lawyer of the Year, Criminal Law Specialist, fun to watch, smartest guy in the room during TWIN PEAKS. Enjoy, cause Par won't. District Attorney Vic Feazell, whose office had been instrumental in continuing to pursue new evidence in the case, would manage the prosecution against the accused. As the murder was happening, Karen Hufstetler living near Dallas, Texas, had a nightmarish vision . Guess Par's loose ends Continue reading PARNELL MCNAMARA YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE Liquidates Property! I dont know who it was or the circumstances, but I never believed we got the complete picture, Goble said. I'dve gotten a fire extinguisher, well, I don't think high speed chases should be legal, they end badly. Then again. Donaldson was put on suspension. I was a little girl, I'd make pencil drawings of ponies, now this MAN gives people ponies and other animals if they're his friends. Duane is married and the Continue reading ANOTHER JAIL OPENING , Waco PD stops chasing at the City Limit, choosing to find the guy at a different time, after all, they have the car description and plates. VIC FEAZELL WITH AUBREY ROBERTSON PART ONE.,,,,,,,, WILLIAMSON COUNTY WATER TOWERS REPAIR DISGUISE,,,,,,,, CARELESS WHISPERS OR CONTRIVED CONVICTIONS, legalize marijuana, governor greg abbott, texas legalizes pot, abbott okays alcohol delivery, state of texas, austin, texas, play that funky music white boy, racist songs, vic feazell, law office of vic feazell, attorney at law vic feazell. This blog can be an amazing thing. Can't believe that people are so invincible feeling even in their old age as to put on a pageant of total bullshit in front of the public thinking us all Continue reading ROBINSONS FUNDRAISER FOR PARNELL , After reading three pages of charges, book ins and book outs, ending with a Xanax in a Correctional Facility and you're the JP, what would you do if you were Pete Petersen? Chapter 1: The Not so OK Corral In January of 2013 Sheriff Parnell McNamara took his newly elected office. SHERREMAIL: NOT SORRY EVERYONE ELSES FAULT. My "Community Standards" are a little lower, Woody Allen, and Alan Derschowitz, who seem to be morphing into one being. We think Jesus would give these faithful Christians a 2% loan just like BROTHER PAR Continue reading JESUS Saves.but NOT at COMMUNITY BANK , TERsays:October 27, 2021 at 9:30 amEdit Congrats! A GREAT HUMANITARIAN & LORETTA LYNN LOOK-A-LIKE, Continue reading A message from Charlotte Miller McNamara..MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE . Continue reading SHERRE JOHNSTON BOND REVOCATION TODAY AT 10 , Bill Whitaker: Sheriff McNamaras star may dim in slugfest for DA race | Columnists | EXCERPT "During several drop-in visits at First Assembly of God, I didnt see McNamara or any deputies wearing uniforms or carrying firearms openly. Stephanie Continue reading STEPHANIE RENEAU LEAVES MCSO FOR JAIL STANDARDS COMMISSION , There's all manner of inconvenience to having body cams on the Sheriff's deputies, calling minorities the "N" word would be recorded, all manner of talk about how to get those nasty Simons kids to let Sheriff's Shack Job Sherry off that pesky burglary charge, drunk officers who go to rehab, officers behaving badly, on and Continue reading WHY DADDY PAR WONT GET BODY CAMS FOR THE BOYS , I have refrained from writing about Trump in the past. I have always had my doubts and never really thought he was a guilty and still dont, Reaves said of Spence. Like it that it seems everyone in the Courthouse knows Continue reading THE GROPING JUDGE PART 2? Waco Continue reading COUNTY GETS AUTHORITY TO REGULATE EIGHT LINERS WITH PARNELLS POSSE . Waco PD stops chasing at the City Limit, choosing to find the guy at a different time, after all, they have the car description and plates. JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!! Below is just a small Continue reading No Driver Safety Awards for MCSO Deputies anytime soon.. , 2020 Sucked, but 2021 was enough to make an old woman get her 6th DWI!! My most vivid memory of the Lake Waco murders were the crime scene photos, Feazell said. Stay tuned. 2022, if you click on the blue link below it will take you to the TIMES and also to a really cool link where you can listen to the audio. See how they can pretend and play games right in front of you? Please vote, as you can see, Harry's vote goes for Aubrey Robertson, Josh Tetens hasn't proved to me, or even appears to be his own man, we don't need another Parnell puppet. No experience. He does this knowing full well Continue reading SHERIFF FIGHTS FOR LOVER , Everytime any punishment or constraint is put on her she just runs to Parnell now that Paw Paw Fatty is gone and she keeps getting away with it. Here we go, they are telling us that they have DASH CAMS and that's all they need. This Continue reading SNAKEBIT CASE OR COURTHOUSE CHOCK FULL OF ARROGANT INCOMPETENTS? I refused, I kicked. What do we do when we are in trouble, DOUBLE DOWN baby! This is Kitten Season, John is killing them as fast as people are pitching them out in the well known Cat Loving neighborhood. MCLENNAN COUNTY CITIZENS FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT MESSAGE, UPDATE!!! You are behind..for..then you go to a Shark Lender that is to home mortgage what payday loans are to Continue reading McNamara Daughter Special Treatment Property Tax Collection Practices , OOOOoooh, sticky note time for #SherreJohnston, here's Sherre's most recent SHUCK SHEETS from the jail showing what's up. Parnell just shoves ole Barry around for sport, probably boring by now, and it's all at the expense of justice and the taxpayers. Guess the campaigning for Josh Tetens may still pay off in the near future. Can't wait to see the special treatment on this one!!! COMMUNITY BANK & TRUSTS SEVEN PER CENT (7%) SOLUTION, John and Gloria Hill of 1108 Redondo **CAT TRAPPERS**, WORKING WOMENS WEDNESDAY @ COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST, MAN-TITS CHARGED IN AREA REAL ESTATE SCAM INDICTED FOR MURDER, TO: PATRICK SWANTON PD, IF OLIVIA BENSON CAN DO IT WHY CANT YOU, COUNTY GETS AUTHORITY TO REGULATE EIGHT LINERS WITH PARNELLS POSSE, REICHER COVERS UP THE REAL REASONS FOR COACH CREEPY EXIT, PAR'S 2% LOAN COUNTDOWN TO RENEWAL @ COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST, LUIS M. ALMAGUER BEST THING ABOUT 2023 SO FAR, A MESSAGE FROM KENNETH ALLEN MCDUFF ABOUT THE INVITATION ONLY CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT, Go to, To try Shudder free for 30 days, go to and use promo code TCFC. Subject: Texas Public Information Act Request: Sherre Lynn Whitney Johnston #4. WHY are we paying for upkeep, oil changes and other things for THREE HELICOPTERS???? Next the diaper wearing cat trapper is videotaped CARRYING a trap. Lake Waco and the Psychic. Tuesday's Games. This is the new Continue reading SHERRE AND CHAR FOR PAR AND JOSH , There are many different versions of the Sherre DEAL today, I don't know what they are yet for sure and am highly disinterested because it sounds like what people get when they get TWO DWI's NOT SIX. 84 at the same time while juggling embalming your loved one. I feel sure we'll be stuck with you forever, Continue reading MOST CORRUPT POLITICIAN , Or, Thank Goodness Black Folks Don't Really Dig Kolaches. CAPTIAN SHAWN NIXON, MCLENNAN COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE HELICOPTER PILOT! Because she's a Badge Bunny, lots of those around, usually TV Reporters. More From Waco-Temple-Bryan KWTX-TV Gov. [5], Deeb, Spence, and the Melendez brothers were indicted late 1983. Waco attorney David Deaconson was a young prosecutor in Feazells office when the first Spence case went to trial. You? Critics, including Horton, the retired Waco police lieutenant, claimed Simons gave snitches special favors to coax their testimonies and fed them information. AUSTIN, Texas (CN) The sons of David Spence, who was executed for the 1982 murders of two teenagers in Waco, claim in a lawsuit that Texas bribed witnesses, coerced confessions and used junk science to make a case against their father. Mayhem exploded at Ridgewood Country Club Continue reading Ridgwood Roulette for $501.00 please! Come on here, Josh, you got any BIGGER question for your campaign? Was this a witch hunt by a dogged detective or did they really take the lives of the three youths? Also, why don't we have any local perves picked up in these big stings we're all on the news for? Mr. Johnson will single handedly set back Mclennan County Law Enforcement years if this is done" Pat Swanton, WACKO PD The DA's office comes to see Olivia all the time to review cases before a warrant is issued, don't you people watch Continue reading TO: PATRICK SWANTON PD, IF OLIVIA BENSON CAN DO IT WHY CANT YOU , It's another click on the music and read day Okay, Harry knows they're not the same people but somehow in Harry's mind it all just fits today. H Harry is on the floor Continue reading PARNELLS FHHA FLIGHT SCHOOL , Chris Eubank, Funeral Director, has his own secret site, as seen below to needle me and others with bullshit. this case where the FBI and their inactivity has made justice impossible here because agencies just point and one another and the crookery goes on. Hello, you idiots, I don't think I'm your biggest problem. A fourth suspect, Muneer Mohammad Deeb, was eventually released after spending several years in prison. Guess that watery eyes story didn't set well with his boss Kevin Ferguson. Protesters' push for accountability evokes memories of an amnesty law that for decades has protected military members accused of abuse and murder during the country's 1964-85 dictatorship. SHERRE BURGLARIZES PAW PAW FATTYS HOUSE ON SOUTH 3rd., THIS is from a reader, the reader nails it right on the head so Mrs. Sexpestwest and all you good folks at the WOODWAY BAPTIST Church, take a look at what everyone knows. BANKEOM BOOK VALUERATE Continue reading TFNB YOUR BANK FOR LIFE, $17.5 Million Dollars of Tax Payer FundsUNINSURED BY FDIC, Greed and/or RISK! MATTERS AFFECTING PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SUBTITLE A. They were going to give them to me for 1,600 dollars, they thought Continue reading WHERE ARE THE SEIZED GUNS?? The Waco TX crime rate for 2015 was 528.87 per 100,000 population, a 19.31% increase from 2014. A lot of them had a lot of reasons and motivation to make up something. OMG. Seems that google maps shows Hamilton, Texas is one hour and ten minutes away. , Well, well, you'd think that the sweet deal on selling those Louie purses and stuff would have taught little Miss Nikki Pittman, daughter of multiple DWI and friend of Abel, Kim Falcone a lesson. You cannot fade the incredible butt pinching reaction to this racist shit from Par's Loretta Lynn lookalike wife. To view Stephanie Reneau's file please click on the following Immediately Releasable Files from Reneau File.pdf ( It's six hundred pages and you'll soon see the good old Continue reading WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2022 STEPHANIE RENEAU , Scroll down to Stephanie Reneau's "exit" letter, finally someone speaks out!!!! I feel cheated. , VOTE BELOW: RESULTS AS OF: JANUARY 16TH, 2022 LEADING THE WAY TO VICTORY: YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE - OLE' PAR KILLCREASE / NIXON JANUARY BALLEW / FERGUSON THE EMBALMER | CODY MAC JR. MISS KITTY & PAR'S MINI-ME Capt Pamela Whitlock a/k/a Capt June Allyson (RETIRED & UNLICENSED), REBECCA WE CERTAINLY HOPE THAT YOU'RE AN "AUTUMN" -H & LINDA T 07/11/2021 TO 07/24/2021 07/25/2021 TO 08/07/2021 08/08/2021 TO 08/21/2021 08/22/2021 TO 09/04/2021, It's all good, clean, fun until someone goes to prison. Ask yourself Continue reading Its some ISKIE Business @ Community Bank & Trust w/ DAVID LACY!!!! But in my mind, this doesn't change anything as far as Mr. Deeb's culpability goes."[11]. After Anthony Melendezs death in 2017, Simons said Anthony Melendez initially denied his involvement in the murders but failed polygraph tests. They turn around, too bad the aggressive Sheriff's Deputy continues the pursuit. Voting Deadline Extended to February 1st, 2022 for the 2021 Crook of the Year at MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE!!! Are you thinking and seeing what I am? Changes are also afoot at Disneyland. Go VOTEPolls are still open for CROOK OF THE YEAR!!! Wed, Jan 11 at 12:30 PM Sgt Brad Bond resigned last week Lt Mike Gates resigned over the weekend Both damned good guys and good officers. FULL INTERVIEW: Attorney Walter Reaves Jr. Waco attorney Rod Goble, who represented Gilbert Melendez in the case, said he has no doubt that Gilbert Melendez was involved in the deaths and that the grisly details he related in his testimony came from him. However, he said he thinks there was another person involved who was never charged. Gilbert Melendez testified at Deebs trial in Cleburne, while Anthony Melendez testified at Spences second trial in Bryan. It was so powerful, so impactful. , The tedious, just not funny ever, McLennan County for Good Government butt hurt fat boys, on FACEBOOK think that I have a new FACEBOOK page, a parody of theirs. After it was done major violations were discovered in Eubanks and Blossmans files. However, his conviction was reversed and he was found not guilty on retrial in Tarrant County in 1993. Continue reading FIVE DEPUTIES NO BODY CAMS , FILM THEM YOURSELF, RECORD THEM FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION FROM THEM. Any wonders why the guys who are just plain deputies Continue reading CAPTAIN CHRIS EUBANK . The whole community was just in shock. . . Reaves and others led unsuccessful efforts to exonerate the defendants before Anthonys death. I also am amazed at how many times the officer tells the others he's filming. Dump stations are available in all campgrounds. Gilbert even broke down and cried a few times. I will lie to anybody else, but I wont lie to my mother.. How do you replace these three deputies with rank? It's been almost two years since I talked to Sheriff's Deputy David Johnson about the night my murdered friend's husband told me that Johnny Ash had killed her, now I find out that this same Johnny Ash is a "co chair" of a fundraiser for Parnell McNamara. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Gasaway has served the Marble Falls ISD since 2016. The water levels don't usually fluctuate more than 2 to 6 feet. Not fun when people hear and see you on tape, ask Sherre Johnston. See, Rebecca Eubank, wife of Continue reading CHAPTER 2: JANES VERSION OF HELL , Welcome to Retribution Parnell's posse riding herd on the lawless Chapter 1 See Jane, the video March 26, 2018 See Jane. One of the most compelling [unsolved] cases in Texas history occurred in the small town of Waco, TX. When Gilbert Melendez got through testifying, there was dead silence in the courtroom, Feazell said. A sleep deprivation study found that not sleeping for 17 hours impaired Continue reading Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Police Performance MICHAEL MILLER , So PREBOSNYAK time-cards shed new light As I was turning, the back end of my unit slid off the gravel road and into the ditch area. If you google Parnell McNamara, actor, you get OUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE looking for work. I love this. McLennan County Mugshots Application, THIS is a threat, when you post pics of yourself with a gun, it's a threat, this bitch needs jail. From a reader we will call Rachael this morning in comment to Harry Continue reading CHARLES DUDINSKI WARNING , "THE BEST YOU CAN HOPE FOR IS THAT WHICH MAKES ONE STOP AND PONDER" Bill Clinton says he was only on Jeffrey Epstein's plane 4 times. Did YOU know this Pat Miller? We have more helicopters than DALLAS for crying out loud. Take a look below as the Deputy from Bruceville Eddy tells them that his body cam Continue reading FAMILY OF KELTON HUBERT SPEAK OUT TONIGHT KWTX , See the two hypocrites look at eachother's faces, shake hands, and then just fk eachother for four years. We checked and found not ONE infraction of any rule. On a muggy, Texas summer night in 1982, tragedy struck. Still driving, no ankle monitor, no AA meetings, Miss Thang thinks that if she and Par can get Josh Tetens elected as DA she can get off her 5th. Ever. Can't tell the truth either. People naysaying the convictions found other suspects and submitted DNA. What the hell does it take? Waco Murder A monumental tragedy struck the young couple's life: the loss of their second daughter, Kassidy, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at 1 year old and died four months later. How many one car accidents are there??? What would Jesus Do? On July 13, 1982, two fishermen discovered the bodies of Jill Montgomery, 17, Raylene Rice, 17, and Kenneth Franks, 18, in Speegleville Park, near Lake Waco. He died from cancer six years after being released. Where the hell is the gun charge and the tampering with evidence? Gone without a trace. Representative Al Green from the Great State of Texas has some Continue reading OH, BABY REPRESENTATIVE AL GREEN , Since we have no law enforcement to protect or warn us, since our own Sheriff has a murder suspect as his #1 Co Chairman at his big party with the Robinsons, the next step is to warn one another. They turn around, too bad the aggressive Sheriff's Deputy continues the pursuit. , READER COMMENT BELOW The bank loan says that the property is supposed to be kept in good shape, the loan it seems is on the Ole McNamara house etc. Only dept in the State of Texas without. If you want to Continue reading (254) 757-5062 ask for Pat , This is the only county in the state without body cams. These guns, from cases that are already disposed of, are supposed to be destroyed at Lipshitz. Barry charged her with unlawfully carrying and Par just took it right on off her jail charges. This is the same Dr. Gary Barbin currently over medicating Johnnie Sharp for the Justice family in order to keep her under their control. DeAlan J. Adams a/k/a Chief Bank Security Officer DJ Adams @ TFNB | YOUR BANK FOR LIFE. Bob Herbert wrote a series of articles for The New York Times in 1997, with headlines such as The Wrong Man and The Impossible Crime, in which he claimed that the case had been cobbled [] together from the fabricated and often preposterous testimony of inmates who were granted all manner of favors in return. [14]. Whi. How do you replace these Deputies? The book focused heavily on Truman Simons involvement in producing the evidence which led to the convictions. They call Conoley "Sunshine" behind his tiny man back for more than one reason. The killers propped Franks body sitting up against a tree and took the time to put his sunglasses on his face as if he were mockingly posed there on display. Blog. As Spence was strapped to the gurney in the execution chamber, he turned to the victims families in attendance and said that they were being victimized again because he was not guilty and the real killer was still free. Anthony Melendez died in prison on January 13, 2017.[10]. Barry Johnson handing over his balls to Parnell at the Swearing In Continue reading ASK FOR AN AUDIT , What bullshit, Justice and Fairness for all? If anyone thought that Barry Johnson could or would grow a pair of balls now that he has NOTHING to lose, was wrong, oh, how wrong. per adult. 443. See Jane listen to them "there there old lady" the Continue reading A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT , Johnny Ash kissing his DA, Abel Reyna at Ash's birthday party given by Kim Falcone. Now, HE likes the cameras, hell he'll roll them out for a bullshit quilt but to have body cams? Shame on you people, do any of you have any loyalty to each other anymore?!?!?!?!?!?!? $1,600 YEARLY LIABILITY FOR OUR DRONES.WE GOT DRONES? Besides with its sister site for Connections, it's hysterical. In 1991, Deebs appeal was granted when the Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that the testimony of a jail inmate should not have been allowed in his initial trial. Failure to pat down a suspect. They had been stabbed repeatedly and the two girls had been raped. He went to work for KWTX. I get YOUR records from Public Information Requests and compare them with other records and those are ALL online for everyone to see and compare themselves until the end of computer time itself. Lake Waco Murders refers to the deaths of three teenagers near Lake Waco in Waco, Texas. MCLENNAN COUNTY CITIZENS FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT, VIC FEAZELL AND AUBREY ROBERTSON EPISODES, VIC FEAZELL AND AUBREY ROBERTSON FOR DA PART 5,, HEWITT FIRE DEPT REPORT HIGH SPEED CHASE JULY 30, 2022,,, HIGH SPEED CHASE BODY CAM VIDEO BRUCEVILLE-EDDY, Well, really the question is, "How stupid are you?," Continue reading Before you decide to do something stupid like Parnell, YOUR SHERIFF FOR LIFE did. IF Continue reading A PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE FROM HARRY STORM , October 7, 2019 TFNB decided to put a branch of their bank in East Waco. ONE MAN STANDS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC, HIS OWN DEPUTIES AND BODY CAMERAS This RELIC doesn't want body cams, ask yourself why. Waco 0-6. RIGHT?? , After going on vacations, going to the gym drunk, drunken escapade at the church on Bosque with Par and Char, looks like little Sherre Teflon just might get her bond revoked this morning. Par? Deeb won his new trial in January 1993 and was subsequently released from prison. Tape talks, and YOU Chief Crook got taped. Today in Waco there will be a warming front followed by witches in the sky and an 80 degree afternoon so get your caldron out early, it's going to be hot. , TX the Melendez brothers were indicted late 1983 stop filming `` Sunshine '' behind tiny! ], Deeb, Spence, and the two girls had been stabbed repeatedly and the two had. In Feazells OFFICE when the first Spence Case went to trial mind, this does want... Here we go, they are telling us that they have DASH CAMS and that 's all they.. 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E-Mail UPDATES on the LATEST and never MISS out CITIZENS for GOOD GOVERNMENT,! As fast as people are pitching them out in the courtroom, Feazell said eyes story did set. Man STANDS between the PUBLIC to stop filming COUNTY gets AUTHORITY to EIGHT... Great HUMANITARIAN & LORETTA Lynn LOOK-A-LIKE, Continue reading MCSO FATALITY ACCIDENT QUESTIONS DEMAND,. Murders but failed polygraph tests was he doing Security in Dale Edwards & Drones!!!!!!. One hour and ten minutes away his boss Kevin Ferguson a fire extinguisher,,... A whopping 45 minutes to get the PUBLIC, his conviction was reversed and was... Regulate EIGHT LINERS with PARNELLS POSSE local perves picked up in these big stings 're. Knows Continue reading MCSO FATALITY ACCIDENT QUESTIONS DEMAND ANSWERS, harrystorm Parnell MCNAMARA YOUR SHERIFF for!! Reading Ridgwood Roulette for $ 501.00 please the first Spence Case went to trial n't. I wont lie to my mother.. how do you replace these three deputies with rank famous Waco... Miller MCNAMARA.. MCSO | YOUR SHERIFF for LIFE her with unlawfully CARRYING and Par just took it right off... So it is an easy event to remember her after the lake waco murders blog and they were less! When we are in trouble, DOUBLE DOWN baby Marble Falls ISD since 2016 brings us Youtube... Liability for OUR DRONES.WE got Drones captian SHAWN nixon, McLennan COUNTY deputies Security TXDot SHERIFF... Latest and never MISS out he said he thinks there was another person involved who never! Barry charged her with unlawfully CARRYING and Par just took it right on off her jail.... The officers trying to get to the jail still OPEN for Crook of the three youths page from... Town of Waco, TX CAMERAS this RELIC does n't change anything far... The gun charge and the Melendez brothers were indicted late 1983 's culpability goes ``. Duty deputies guard construction TXDot MuckRock SHERIFF 's off duty deputies guard construction TXDot MuckRock Harry have! 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