list of american companies in italy

list of american companies in italy

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American companies in Italy Company List Italy American American companies in Italy Add your free listing Agriculture Agricultural Greenhouses Automobiles & Motorcycles Auto Electrical System Auto Sensors Auto Electronics Car Alarms Auto Engine Business Services Computer Hardware & Software Monitors CRT Monitor Construction & Real Estate In the field of electrochemical ion analysis Metrohm has been the unchallenged world number one for many years. We deliver custom made consumer and companies list in Excel. Your investment is dependent on the amount of companies in your list that you require. You receive a free quote and a detailed count of your business database within 24 hours. BoldData delivers the database (in Excel) within 24 hours by e-mail. Companies (1,903) Advisors (136) Company Investors (856) PE Investors (269) Company M&A (694) 1 to 25. From top notch companies in Italy such as Unicredit, Gucci and Poste Italiane and Enel. Italy is a good location for US companies to have a European headquarters or office, so you can be sure there are plenty of American companies represented in Italy in one way or another think Amazon, IBM and Microsoft for example. Name. Foreign investors must know that there are two types of private limited liability companies according to the Italian Company Law: - the standard limited liability company (societ a responsabilit limitata ,S.r.l. The industry and sector follow the Industry Classification Benchmark taxonomy. They were subsequently put up for sale. largo MInerva Provvidenza, Sannicandro di Bari, Bari, Italy,70028, Settecani Cavidole 45/A, Catselnuovo Rangone Castelnuovo Rangone, Modena. 2702a Huaxia Bank Tower No.256 South Pudong Road Shanghai Shanghai Sethasa Trading Llc/united World Industries,inc.