vistavision vs technicolor

vistavision vs technicolor

At the time, this was viewed as a quantum leap forward for cinema. In this case the theater may elect to install a screen in the ratio of 2/1. Were here to help. If youre still wondering about how Technicolor used the dye-transfer process to color its films, check out this next video: Although the dye-transfer process was incredible for its time, it proved to be a logistical nightmare. De Mille's 'The Ten Commandments' (1956). Technically speaking, the first movie in color, Cupid Angling, came out in 1918. Yes, and VistaVision cameras are sometimes still used even today for special effects. The theater service companies will have complete instructions in regard to their installation and operation. There was a screening room on the Paramount lot that can still project VistaVision. Contents 1 History 2 Special effects usage 3 Technical specifications 4 Films shot in VistaVision 5 Legacy 6 See also 7 References VistaVision pictures, starting with WHITE CHRISTMAS, can be viewed with ease and comfort from 1/2 to 8 times screen width. And it accomplished that, with movies like 3 Ring Circus (1954), Richard III (1955), The Ten Commandments (1956), The Searchers (1956), Funny Face (1957), and many others. While most competing widescreen film systems used magnetic audio and true stereophonic sound, early VistaVision carried only Perspecta Stereo, encoded in the optical track. This process is a predecessor of today's Super 35 format which also uses a 1.85:1 ratio, but uses one-third more frame area than a standard 1.85:1 matted into a 4:3. The logistical advantage of using 35mm film, end-to-end, should not be underestimated. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; For more than two decades after this, VistaVision was often used as an originating and intermediate format for shooting special effects since a larger negative area compensates against the increased grain created when shots are optically composited. What color stock were films like The Searchers, The Ten Commandments, and To Catch a Thief shot on? It was more popular and longer-lasting in Europe. These squeezed prints will be made in the same manner and from the same negative as the standard prints, except that in optical reduction the picture area will be taken from the area of the negative that supplies the portion of the picture normally used in 2/1 aspect ratio projection from the standard print. Hes written reviews, scripts, and analytical essays focusing on all aspects of cinema. If Eastman release prints are required by the Foreign Department, we feel sure that the VistaVision double-frame negative will give a better inter-negative for such release printing than could be obtained by any other system. At the time, Technicolor cameras required incredibly bright lights to work as intended. These standard prints will carry a framing index (upper right hand corner of the frame. In this article, we look at 50+ examples of color palettes with films from David Fincher, Wes Anderson, and more. in English from Florida International University, along with certificates in Film Studies and Asian Studies. It also proved that VistaVision could still be used for VFX shots, since the larger negative space provided less film grain when compositing the effects shots. As a response to an industry recession brought about by the popularity of television, the Hollywood studios turned to large format movies in order to regain audience attendance. One of the most famous directors to make VistaVision films is Alfred Hitchock, who used it for To Catch a Thief (1955), The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Vertigo (1958), and North by Northwest (1959), the latter of which was released by MGM, an uncommon example of VistaVision being licensed out to another studio. Five months later, in February 1953, Twentieth Century Fox announced that they would soon be introducing a simpler version of Cinerama using anamorphic lenses instead of multiple film strips; a widescreen process that soon became known to the public as CinemaScope. Cameras used 35-mm film running horizontally with an 8-perforation frame, double the normal size, exactly the same as VistaVision. There will also be a frame line marking for the 1.33/1 aspect ratio. Motion picture studios expend hundreds of thousands of dollars in a meticulous effort to deliver the best possible technical quality along with good entertainment. They are the cylindrical lens type, such as used by CinemaScope, the reflector lens type, as manufactured by the Old Delft Company in Holland, and the prismatic type, which is now being manufactured by the Tushinsky Brothers, and others. Lets remind ourselves of how it all came together: For many, this was the first time they had seen a film in color. The light level used on interior sets is between 350 and 600 foot-candles, with most shots running between 400 and 500 foot-candles. These markings are to be made less apparent than change-over markings and are to be used by the projectionist in gaining proper framing in the projection of VistaVision pictures. Before the 1950s, nearly every single movie was in the same 4:3 aspect ratio. A very similar idea is used for Imax, though, and that's still in (very limited) use. In the end, Technicolor simply became a relic of another age. It was pointed out to the Motion Picture Research Council and the motion picture industry in a letter dated February 11, 1953. The single-track magnetic composite film will then be made stereophonic in the re-recording channel, using three horn systems and the necessary panning pots to gain any desired balance. The film is standard 35 mm negative exposed horizontally. The first such marks will appear approximately 5 feet in from the start of the reel and the second set of marks will appear 8 feet in from the start of the reel. In the 21st century, color in film typically falls under the domain of color grading and color correction. If the picture is being projected in the aspect ratio of 1.85/1, the projectionist will frame on the dashed line, and if the picture is to be projected in the aspect ratio of 2/1, framing should be on the little dot below the dashed line. Fortunately, the cast and crew made it through production mostly unscathed. The improved quality of the VistaVision print should be very apparent in the Drive-lns. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I can tell when a film is 3 strip cos the colors basically bleed off the screen and are super saturated, while Eastman color, while pretty colorful in its own right is more natural looking. The light level used on interior sets is between 350 and 600 foot-candles, with most shots running between 400 and 500 foot-candles. The VistaVision system is also flexible and can be used with the best features of other systems and methods such as the Tushinsky lens system, the Perspect-a-sound system and the Technicolor new dye transfer imbibition process. The limiting factors have been picture quality and adequate screen illumination. Hollywood made so much use of Technicolor in 1929 and 1930 that many believed the feature film industry would soon be turning out color films exclusively. The Technirama process used a film frame area twice as large as CinemaScope. Here are your teams in black and white: Crystal Palace Guaita; Clyne, Richards, Guehi, Mitchell; Doucoure, Hughes; Olise, Mateta, Zaha; Edouard. This is the same light level that has been in use at Paramount studio for nearly a year. Your email address will not be published. It is contemplated that we shall derive the same benefit on black and white pictures that we are now gaining in color photography. Whatever it is, this much remains certain: cinema wouldnt be what it is today without Technicolor. The VistaVision system has a large gain in depth of field if the image height is maintained the same as on standard photography. White Christmas was the first Paramount film to utilize the VistaVision method, but perhaps the most well-known film to be shot completely on VistaVision is Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo. The most important feature of VistaVision is the large negative and its optical reduction to the standard print. IMAX also emphasizes height over width (just like VistaVision). All release prints will have a single photographic sound track that will play on every standard sound reproducer the world over. I can tell when a film is 3 strip cos the colors basically bleed off the screen and are super saturated, while Eastman color, while pretty colorful in its own right is more natural . As finer-grained film stocks appeared on the market, VistaVision became obsolete. Enter Technirama: an anamorphic process with an aspect ratio of 2.35:1. VistaVision cameras were sometimes adapted. VistaVision, of course, had more-or-less fallen on the ash-heap of time when Georgie Lucas resurrected it for the effects shots in Star Wars. The frame height on the print is not enough to allow projection of a ratio narrower than 1.66:1 without cropping the sides of the picture. In the preceding paragraphs we have named specific aspect ratios. We are advised that Mitchell, Bell and Howell and the Producers Service Company will be making cameras available for Paramount and others in the industry. Relevance. The 75 degree angle is wider than that used in any other motion picture process, except Cinerama and Todd-AO. Figure 2) at the start of each 2,000 foot reel as a guide to the projectionist. As a further recommendation in this regard, it is our belief that in the very large theaters they should install screens capable of accepting the aspect ratio of 1.85/1, unless the sight line for seats at the back of the main floor is limited by a low hanging balcony. vistavision vs technicolor. This is the most important and distinctive feature of VistaVision. Tips and Techniques Explained, Green Screen Lighting: How to Ensure Your Backgrounds Pop, What is a Damsel in Distress Definition and Examples in Film, What is a Haiku Definition, Examples and Structure Explained. As the years went by, fewer and fewer movies used Technicolor. In theaters that do not have multiple loudspeakers, it will be necessary to buy additional loudspeakers and their associated amplifiers, the cost of which should be approximately $2,000 installed, except for very large theaters where the cost may be higher. Available for both RF and RM licensing. A picture composed in this way will play equally good at 1.85/1, it will play very satisfactorily at 2/1 and it can be played at the old standard of 1.33/1. From 1916 to 1932, the Technicolor company tinkered with its system so that the process of coloring films became accessible to Hollywood. NOTE REGARDING FIG. These framing indices will be placed so as to give adequate head-room and the best composition for the aspect ratio selected. This video shows how Disney pulled off a miracle through technical expertise: Theres no doubt about it, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a masterpiece of its time and one of the best animated movies of all time. All of the scenes in Kansas are shot in sepia. The technique of picture shooting with the VistaVision camera is the same as with any standard camera. A visual medium requires visual methods. 4K UHD Blu-ray review of Cecil B. Paramount pictures are photographed with height which gives them stature and an artistic proportion that is lost by reducing screen height. 2It was not possible to project VistaVision prints with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 as illustrated. Seamless screens are made by Bodde, Roy Stewart and others. The camera numbered VistaVision #1, used on Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments, films by Alfred Hitchcock, and others, was offered at auction on September 30, 2015, by Profiles in History with an estimated value of US$30,000 to $50,000, with a winning bid of US$65,000. Booth operation is simplified to the bare essentials in all theaters that use the VistaVision standard prints and monaural sound. But when Dorothy is whisked into the land of Oz, the visuals saturate with color, which brings us with her into another world. A retooled VistaVision camera dubbed the Dykstraflex (named for special effects master John Dykstra) was used by the group (later called Industrial Light & Magic) in complex process shots. A group of young filmmakers wanted to use the format to film visual effects shots in their upcoming science-fantasy movie. In considering cropping, most people think of a possible quality loss from the cropped print. For the exhibitors who wish complete flexibility in picture projection, Paramount suggests the purchase of variable prismatic expander lenses such as those manufactured by the Tushinsky Brothers under the trade name of "Superscope" lenses. Not only is The Wizard of Oz enshrined in the annals of cinema history for its production design, but for its technical brilliance as well. When providing prints for theaters, nothing special was required, as the movies would be copied onto regular 35mm film that could be shown at any theater that had a widescreen (which, by 1954, was most of them). Paramount dropped the format just after seven years, although for 40 more years the format was used by some European and Japanese producers for movies, and by USA movies such as the first three Star Wars films for high-resolution special effects sequences. Still confused? If the picture is being projected in the old 1.33/1 aspect ratio, the projectionist will frame with the top frame line just above the top of the projected picture as in the past. Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by benjaminhuf, Mar 18, 2012. square spice jars with wood lids; growing hydrangeas in south florida; The rich colors often associated with VistaVision films such as "The Searchers" and "Vertigo" is a byproduct of Technicolor's dye transfer printing process which is a non-photochemical process and was entirely . Technirama used 1.5:1 anamorphic curved mirror optics in front of the camera lens (unlike CinemaScope's cylindrical lenses which squeezed the image in a 1:2 ratio). These included the first two Star Trek movies, the Back to the Future trilogy, the first two Men in Black and Mummy films, the first two Sam Raimi . horizontal pulldown, from right to left (viewed from emulsion side). If anything, it increased that pursuit, as can also be seen in how the cameras were used for high quality VFX work. This was well before the shooting of the first CinemaScope picture, and well before the theaters were equipped with 2/1 expander lenses. What is VistaVision? This is in keeping with the recommendation made earlier in this writing. In shooting VistaVision, the film was run horizontally rather than vertically, and instead of exposing two simultaneous 4-perf frames, the entire eight perforations were used for one image. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. Films were starting to be shot in widescreen through processes like Cinemascope and VistaVision. The area of negative film exposure is shown in Figure 1. VistaVision standard prints can be projected in any theater in the world with an improvement in picture quality. As stated above, standard sound is available on all VistaVision release prints so that no change will be required in handling VistaVision sound for Drive-lns. Well, it takes a bit of explaining, so if you can, please join us as we look into the origins of VistaVision, what it was like, and why it still matters today. This next video shows us how the Technirama process was done and how it was different from its competitors: Technirama worked for a time, but it didnt solve the challenges that the dye-transfer process presented. When Paramount introduced the large screen to the motion picture industry prior to and during the release of SHANE, Paramount recommended that the theaters install the largest feasible screen, both as to HEIGHT and WIDTH. In 1975, a small group of artists and technicians (including Richard Edlund who was to receive two Academy Awards for his work) revived the long-dormant format to create the special effects shots for George Lucas's space epic Star Wars. [4], Also offered at the same auction was VistaVision High Speed #1 (VVHS1), which was used to film the parting of the Red Sea in The Ten Commandments (1956) and special effects on Star Wars (winning bid US$60,000.)[5]. Persons outside of Paramount who are interested in the purchase of cameras should make their inquiries directly to the camera companies and any orders for cameras should be placed with these companies. If Technicolor was going to survive, it needed to adapt. The cameramen are instructed to compose for a loose (meaning adequate head-room) 1.66/1 picture. At this width we have gained slightly in depth of field. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows. Strategic Air Command over Vertigo for VistaVision Joy! The color was enhanced through the use of a special development process that was used to good effect in films such as The Vikings (1958) and The Music Man (1962). DRIVE-IN PRESENTATION OF VISTAVISION FILMS. While this process is behind why the image quality was so good, it also meant that the film stock would run out twice as fast. Using that larger-area negative really improves the final product. As an example, if a theater is 100 feet deep, the best viewing will be on a screen 38 feet wide. The position of Paramount has never changed, and with VistaVision, Paramount is making available release prints which have been compressed in the ratio of 1 1/2/1 for projection through a variable prismatic expander lens set at the expansion ratio of 1 1/2 to give a screen aspect ratio of 2/1. VistaVision squeezed prints will carry a standard photographic sound track with control track for Perspect-a-sound. Technicolor IB prints were created, but this was from separation masters derived from the original single-strip VistaVision negative. Such a screen gives an inferior picture at the center of seating and seldom improves the side seats. Great pics! of VistaVision. Paramount makes no demand on any theater, but there is one thing on which there is complete agreement among all studios and all exhibitors, big screens are here to stay. On top of that, many of the actors were in elaborate costumes, especially Ray Bolger (The Scarecrow), Bert Lahr (The Cowardly Lion), and Jack Haley (The Tin Man). The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. This includes lenses down to 24 mm, which will give a photographic angle of coverage slightly above 75 degrees. A two-color process that used subtractive complementary colors onto a single strip of film. We see no complication in the handling of subtitles or other special requirements for foreign release other than those complications which have existed on all pictures that have an aspect ratio above 1.33/1. Many of these off-brand VistaVision films included classics of Japanese cinema, such as Death by Hanging (1968), In the Realm of the Senses (1976), and Vengeance is Mine (1979). It started out with a camera that ran three strips of black and white film through the same camera. White Christmas, Strategic Air Command, To Catch a Thief, Richard III, and The Battle of the River Plate had very limited (two or three) prints struck in the 8-perf VistaVision format in which they were shot. The resulting Technirama frame was very similar to VistaVision except that Technirama ever so slightly lowered the top of the aperture to create an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 and this left room for an optical soundtrack when printed directly to 35mm . In the opinion of the writer the optics for a 1 1/2/1 ratio will give better picture quality than a higher ratio. Create robust and customizable shot lists. What color stock were films like The Searchers, The Ten Commandments, and To Catch a Thief shot on? If the framing is incorrect, he will make a correction and gain a check observation by viewing the second framing signal. In this case the picture composition will not be as good as the picture composition from a VistaVision standard print which has been "cropped" from top to bottom. As explained later in this booklet, the picture can play in any aspect ratio from 1.33/1 through 1.66/1, 1.85/1 up to 2/1. At the present time Paramount is using cameras which were made by William P. Stein in 1926 for a two-frame color system. The picture negative is Eastman Mazda color taking stock. In addition to gaining flexibility in projection, the compressed VistaVision prints, working with expander lenses will give a light increase of approximately 40% which can be of real assistance on very large screens. Skip to content. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. VistaVision Strikes Back VistaVision reborn in a groundbreaking short film by Ziryab Ben Brahem, David Harvilla and Mate Boegi . There is plenty we can talk about when it comes to the VistaVision aspect ratio, so lets first start with a definition and information about its characteristics. Were in a golden age of TV writing and development. It is the feature that others must follow if they are to reduce grain, eliminate fuzziness and gain bigger, brighter and better pictures. We have used carefully selected Xpansa lenses for this purpose. One of the best 4K disc releases so far (2021) owing to its VistaVision large fo. In CinemaScope projection, the image passes through an anamorphic expander lens which expands the image in the ratio of 2/1. The editorial and studio handling of these prints is exactly the same as the previous handling of daily, except that special negative numbers are placed on both print and negative for future negative cutting. Both IMAX and OMNIMAX are oriented sideways, like VistaVision. More recently, certain key sequences of the film Inception were shot in VistaVision, and in the film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, shots that needed to be optically enlarged were shot in VistaVision. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, VistaVision's high resolution made it attractive for some special effects work within some later feature films. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows. In the VistaVision process standard camera lenses are used in photography and a standard (non-squeezed) large negative image is obtained. But by this point, and for the first time, Technicolor filmmaking was made widely possible. The fact is that the real loss is due to the restricted area of negative that is used to gain the cropped picture. Technicolor had roughly 12 of its Three-Strip cameras converted into VistaVision cameras, using camera movements supplied by Mitchell Camera Corporation, the 1932 supplier of the original Three-Strip camera movements. Walt Disney Productions used the process twice for full-length animated features: Sleeping Beauty (1959), and The Black Cauldron (1985). Below are more "Lazy 8" production stills. Using new Mitchell movements, Technicolor converted six of their old three-strip color cameras for VistaVision. They have brought a new look to motion pictures, a permanent new look. By using a different sized aperture plate and wider lens, a normal Academy ratio film could be soft matted to this or any other aspect ratio. Any producers desiring to use the VistaVision trade-mark must agree to abide by such quality requirements as are deemed necessary by Paramount. As a response, Paramount Pictures devised its own system the following month to augment its 3-D process known as Paravision. The lenses are stopped to f:2.8 and f:3.2. 25 Best Tracking Shot Examples. The sound for all release prints will be made from the same type of sound negative, and as indicated above all release prints can play on any standard optical sound head in any theater in the world. Paramount suggests PERSPECT-A STEREOPHONIC SOUND for the very large theaters and for use by exhibitors who feel that they should have a stereophonic or directional effect. It is the writer's opinion, however, that we are gaining an adequate angle of coverage. A magnetic control track recording will be made during each review and when a satisfactory review is obtained the control track recording will be combined with the re-recording master in the preparation of a photographic negative for release printing. We are advised that the cost of this equipment will be approximately $800 and the installation cost should be under $500. The decision as to its use rests with the exhibitor. Mitchell VistaVision Cameras . VistaVision is the first process to make a noteworthy and immediately apparent improvement in picture quality. In adapting theaters for Perspect-a-sound, it is not necessary to make any changes on the projection machines. Just as VistaVision had a few flagship engagements using 8-perf horizontal contact prints and special horizontal-running projectors, there is a bit of evidence[citation needed] that horizontal prints were envisioned for Technirama as well (probably with 4-track magnetic sound as in CinemaScope), but to what extent this was ever done commercially, if at all, remains unclear. We realize that it is impossible to lay down fixed recommendations applicable to all theaters. Perhaps its nostalgia, perhaps it's the colors, perhaps its the films themselves. 4,442 views Aug 19, 2021 160 Dislike Share Callum Vandenberg 353 subscribers VistaVision movies where made by Paramount in the 1950's. It was a high quality way to capture. In the CinemaScope process the sides of the picture are cropped down (to make room for the magnetic stereophonic sound tracks) so that the final aspect ratio of the picture when projected is in the ratio of 2.55/1. Yep! VistaVision improves the front and side seat viewing, whereas, all other processes diminish the value of these seats. We recommend curving metallic screens with a radius equal to the projection throw or in long narrow houses this radius may be increased to 1 1/4 or 1 times projection throw. One of the objectives of VistaVision is to FILL THE SCREEN. You may not be able to make a film in Technicolor anymore, but that doesnt mean that there arent tools available to make great use of color in your films. Improved lenses are being designed which will include lenses of still shorter focal length. Its easy to forget just how difficult the process of coloring films was. Technicolor, Hollywood (CA), USA (color) Film Length : Negative Format : 35 mm (horizontal) (Eastman 25T 5248) Cinematographic Process : Digital Intermediate (4K) (2020 remaster) VistaVision Printed Film Format . The oval will then be expanded to a circle in projection by the variable prismatic expander lens. When did color movies come out? So I know they stopped using 3 strip Technicolor around 1955. In very wide theaters and very large theaters, the addition of auditorium speakers at D and E may improve the sound effectiveness. The VistaVision process is available to all motion picture producers and exhibitors who wish to avail themselves of this system. Just got the Blu-ray version of "To Catch A Thief" and it looks marvelous. The picture film which was made with these lenses is still in the Paramount studio library. The procedure is called "cropping". The theater should accept their responsibility and make an equal effort in their exhibition. But after The Wizard of Oz, things started to change. A new wide angle view finder has been adapted to the camera and operates with vertical rather than horizontal parallax. Thus the variable prismatic expander lens provides complete flexibility in the projection booth for the exhibition of any print. This required special equipment that most theaters were not going to house, especially since it was impractical and prone to problems. Paramount urges that every exhibitor have good standard projection equipment, good standard type lenses and adequate screen illumination. Paramount has already photographed background projection, inserts, special effects, miniatures, etc., with the VistaVision camera. Through 1.66/1, 1.85/1 up vistavision vs technicolor 2/1 very similar idea is used for high quality VFX work most... Through processes like CinemaScope and VistaVision cameras are sometimes still used even today for effects! 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Strip of film really improves the front and side seat viewing, whereas all! Photographic sound track that will play on every standard sound reproducer the world over 1956... Recommendations applicable to all motion picture process, except Cinerama and Todd-AO Council... Sound track with control track for Perspect-a-sound, it increased that pursuit as!

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vistavision vs technicolor

vistavision vs technicolor

vistavision vs technicolor

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