yamantaka mantra benefits

yamantaka mantra benefits

Then he saw a boat with an oarsman cross over. This is the level that goes on from lifetime to lifetime and will continue into Buddhahood. Yamantaka imitates Yama by both of them having the buffalo head. Ive made offerings to Manjushri for you, for the success of your practice. So I hear that you have Yamantakas teachings. waz film plot; asus vivobook pro fingerprint driver; hovercraft for sale australia He was a master at Nalanda University. So whats the Buddhist version of the legend? How do you envision such a person in terms of your goal, in terms of your method? And every single day one should make biscuits and cookies, offer one main biscuit, one main cookie to Yamantaka and two smaller ones, one to the entourage and one to the Directional Protectors at the end of the sadhana. (Now, remember in tantra that having all these faces and arms and legs they all represent different realizations, different aspects of the path that we want to be able to have fully realized simultaneously. In the Shiva tantra context (plus you get tantra in the Shaivite system) and in the Buddhist one, you get a very parallel development and parallel names. ), Then theres a six-headed, six-armed, six-legged version or variant, which is mentioned in the, And then theres a four-headed, eight-armed, four-legged variant, which is in the collection of jenangs (these subsequent permissions) called, One way is Well, theres just the Buddhist version. And all the protector practices that are done in the Gelug tradition are all done within the context of oneself arising as Yamantaka. The left legs are extended straight and press upon eight birds and various gods; standing above a sun disc and multi-colored lotus completely surrounded by orange flames of pristine awareness. Its interesting. Our own confusion, our own laziness, our own bad temper and anger, our own attachments. With Yamantakas tantra alone one can become fully Enlightened. If you work with very strong energy, the danger is that you become reckless and the energy takes over, and that quickly goes into anger, doesnt it? How did something like this develop in Ogyen, in Oddiyana?, First of all, where is Oddiyana? This is not childrens games here. The deity yamantaka, as the name suggested, is terrifying to behold. rituals for transforming closely bonding substances into a potion for gaining various powers. But if you understand the way that ancient Indian society functioned, then you see that all of these people lived together, and so you have this common pool there. You even get Mahakala associated here, which literally means the great form of time. But whats interesting is the Tibetans translated kala here as black (nag-po), so Mahakala is called the Great Black One (Nag-po chen-po) in Tibetan. Teacher: Jhampa Shaneman DATE: Feb 17 to 26, 2023 Posts. Its dynasty ruled for a long time that whole area from Eastern Iran all the way over to north-central India, and so you had there a mixture of Iranian and ancient Indian ideas and mythology and various religious ideas, terminology, and so on. And, as Shantideva dedicates in the tenth chapter of Engaging in Bodhisattva Behavior: Our ability to maintain and further expand our website totally depends on your support. and then theres another one, Vajra Arali which Ive never heard of anybody actually practicing which is transforming naivety or unawareness into a path. those that use anger or transform it into the path (like Vajrabhairava). And also, no other deities, spirits, gods, of the sky, male, female, earth, whatever, or even other protectors can overcome a practitioner of Yamantaka or one who has achieved Yamantaka. Fire Ritual(Part 4) Fire Ritual(Part 3) Fire Ritual(Part 2) Fire Ritual(Part 1) Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Recent Comments. Okay. [See: What Is Guhyasamaja Practice? Now, personally I find this very interesting. So, like in martial arts, you have to be very strong externally and totally 100% calm internally. So he is that powerful. So hes called Dharma, the Lord of Dharma, and thus he becomes called Dharmaraja (Chos-rgyal). So Dharmaraja, the King of Dharma, is also a name that is applied to Yama, who is then taken later into Buddhism as a protector (hes tamed by Yamantaka and made into a protector). He was the first mortal to die, and thus, because of that, he became the Lord of Death. Scientists who cares about what they say?, Or we could be Buddhologists scientists and look at archaeology and all these Sanskrit texts, and so on, and The Buddhist stories and so on, this is just nice mythology.. Chakrasamvara (Heruka) is a mother tantra practice of anuttarayoga tantra. Out of these words you can derive all the different levels of practice, and it presents a system. So, for example, the higher father tantras are like, higher mother tantras are like Kalachakra, Heruka, the higher father tantras are, for example, like, Guhyasamaja. So we have: But all of these have a buffalo head and a Manjushri head on top. In the highest class of tantra you have four initiations (or four empowerments), and the fourth one is to empower you to do the final, final, final practices where you have the practice of the two truths simultaneously., Thats the only point that is hidden or secret in terms of that division. He also appears as one of the eight non-Buddhist deities found, one each, in eight of the skullcups held by Hevajra. If youre able to transform the clear light of death into this understanding of voidness, you wont get the aggregates of another samsaric rebirth, so it overcomes the mara of the aggregates. Before the Manchus conquered China (in 1644), they had already accepted certain elements of Gelug when they built the Yellow Temple in Mukden, their capital (1636-38). They made this association that Manchu well, that sounds like Manju of Manjushri so their rulers eventually became recognized as emanations of Manjushri like the association of Avalokiteshvara with the Tibetans and Vajrapani with the Mongols. The Yamantaka Mantra()Vajrabhairava|||Destroyer Of Death|Powerful Mantra@Melodious Dharma Sound_____The . (4) The fourth point is that the fire stove also indicates not just the clear-light practices from Guhyasamaja but that the deep awareness gained through this practice is greater than any other. He represents the power, energy, and fearlessness of the Buddhas. Otherwise, I wish you the best. In order to engage in its practice, . "In the practice of Highest Yoga Tantra, try to focus on everything causing great bliss within you. He got the insight that we need a Guru to cross the ocean of samsara. Dont fail to request him! But the next day when he came he had missed the Guru. So that means that he incorporates the Guhyasamaja type of practices. Seng Piow here can give you the tsog dates, which is twice a month for the next year, and the year after that, if he has. The Yamantaka empowerment is a secret mantra empowerment of the highest class known as Highest Yoga Tantra. Theyre all very qualified paths, its just depending on the method. (5) And the fifth point is that to attain enlightenment we need to rely on the deep awareness of Manjushri. As I mentioned, most people will refer to it as Yamantaka. He himself wrote commentaries, his students also wrote commentaries on the practice of Yamantaka, and hence today the Yamantaka practice is very prevalent, very powerful and extremely widespread because of these great writings and Lama Tsongkhapas own personal practice. All the former are yidams (meditational deities) whereas Yamaraja (sometimes also called Dharamaraja) is a Dharma protector. He practiced for twenty years to get a vision of Manjushri, and finally he succeeded and had a direct manifestation of Manjushri. So these ideas about Yama are percolating in this cultural area, with influence from these three different ways of thinking the Iranian, the Indian non-Buddhist, and the Buddhist. This is Yama, and already hes associated with wisdom, being very intelligent., Later, in one of the Upanishads, the Katha Upanishad, Yama is a teacher, and so hes even further associated with wisdom. Its not this Janis Joplin song of Oh Lord, why dont you give me a Mercedes-Benz, that type of request. Please read, please read and its in Chinese also, if you need, we have it here, The Wheel of Sharp Weapons. So, this one you can do either the short one, you can do the long one, its up to you. At least I find for myself its helpful. Its done in so many of the tantra practices. You should offer two sets, of the offering every single day and recite the Yamantaka mantra, the first one, the second one, 21 times or more but you should focus on the third mantra. Its not just ethnologically fascinating but actually its very helpful to see that there is historical evidence and a historical development of why we had these practices, why they were in this form, and why they developed where they developed not just some fantasy story of some Buddhists. Hes described as being very wise, and he judges the rebirth of those who die. Yamantaka practice became especially popular and widespread not only among the Tibetans, but also in the Mongol and Manchu regions in which Tibetan Buddhism spread. Its a very different type of Buddha. Now, within the Yamantaka tantras, it is, Lama Tsongkhapa kept that as his personal yidam, along with other higher yidams, and he practiced it and he gained results. Those are the real harmful ones.. These are the five special features of Vajrabhairava or Yamantaka. So its not for the weak-hearted ones that Ooh, Ill try doing a little bit and Do I like this? What does it mean in the text that its to be hidden or secret?, You read and study Guhyasamaja which is actually the main thing that is studied in the tantric colleges in the Gelug tradition and the Guhyasamaja Root Tantra is written in so-called vajra language (rdo-rjei tshig). Already there was an association between the Manchus and the Dalai Lamas. And youre getting the understanding of voidness with this, with the clear-light mind, so you overcome the mara of whats called the sons of the gods (which is referring to the non-Buddhist philosophical views). As Bulcsu Siklos explains in his book, the lineage of the Vajrabhairava tantra texts was brought to Tibet by Atisha, who had many Indian masters. Highest Yoga Tantra understanding Emptiness, overcoming death Alexander Berzin explains the Highest Yoga Tantra, such as Yamantaka practice, and how it helps us understand Emptiness (Voidness) and, with practice, ultimately overcome death, for the benefit of all beings: You understand on a deeper level a Buddhist analysis of different points of view. Now, soon after that, Yama becomes incorporated into the Shiva complex of Hindu deities. I personally find it quite fascinating and actually quite helpful to see what actually has happened with this practice, how does it actually fit into history, the religious development, and so on. June 2014. And this historical stuff is unimportant. Then the second chapter, rituals using various devices for extremely forceful actions against harmful beings. It gives it a context. Another benefit is within Yamantakas tantra, within Yamantakas tantra, if you practice, it is said that you do not need to practice any other tantras whatsoever, no other tantra is necessary to become Enlightened. So you think Well, thats what it means for it to be a hidden tantra. Its not. First about my own background. Vajravetali is the emanation of White Saraswati (dbyans can ma dkar mo). Remember Lalitavajra, the guy who found it there in Ogyen, hes the tenth century. In Buddhism there are many protector deities that have been incorporated, and many of them come from an earlier Indian non-Buddhist context (some even come from an Iranian context). As everybody says although a lot of people dont take it very seriously tantra is very, very advanced. Contact: a.sofialopez99@gmail.com. This is very, very dangerous, very delicate. Lets focus on the nine-headed Vajrabhairava. And one of Atishas teachers was Dharmarakshita, who was the author of this mind training (lojong) called Wheel of Sharp Weapons (Theg-pa chen-poi blo-sbyong mtshon-cha khor-lo). It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. You can look at it two ways, cant you? A student asked Rinpoche about putting Yamantaka mantras inside a prayer wheel. Buddha has given many sets of teachings, and they compose of sutra and they compose of tantra. After His Holiness had taken his seat on the throne, Theravada monks once again chanted the Mangala Sutta in Pali. During that period of death whats called the clear light of death before the bardo (the in-between state) and rebirth, we are just experiencing that clear-light level. Now, if we look at the Iranian side before Zoroastrianism got codified (so lets call it proto-Zoroastrianism), you have their ancient sacred text. The complete book is now available to initiates as a pdf file. And Manjushri transformed himself into Yamantaka, looking very similar to Yama but ten times more powerful and horrible, and Manjushri as Yamantaka then defeated Yama and made him into a protector for Buddhism., So what do we learn from this story? Anywhere else would be too distracting. The Guru was very stubborn. That was kept in the Dharmaganja Stupa it was kept inside which was venerated by all the dakinis. One is Pawo Chigpa, is Solitary Hero, Solitary Hero, Solitary Vajra Terrifier, and then the other one is (Tibetan name) or Thirteen Deity Yamantaka. And so he wondered, Who is this Vajrabhairava? If one doesnt have time, one should do the short Yamantaka sadhana which is about eight or, seven or eight small pages, written by the great Kyabje Pabongka Dechen Nyingpo Rinpoche. Although practiced early on in Tibet by the Sakya and Kagyu Traditions, it was Tsongkapa, founder of the Gelug Tradition, who instituted Vajrabhairava as the principal Gelugpa meditation practice. The reason is its easier to say in Mongolian, and because its so strong with the Mongols, everybody calls it Yamantaka usually.. Then the Guru appeared and said, When the sun rises in the east and there are no clouds, then the sun shines. Important historical commentaries were written by Tri Gyaltsen Senghe for the Solitary Hero practice and Lhundup Pandita for the 13-Deity practice; both have been translated. So therefore, I rejoice and Im very happy for you and I feel very fortunate and do that initiation well. yamantaka,yamantaka long mantra,yamantaka tibetan mantra,yamantaka mantra,mantra om yamantaka hum phat,mantra yamantaka,the yamantaka mantra,yamantaka dharan. He has thirty-four arms, right? Rinpoche then discusses the benefits of three particular mantras: A A SHA SA MA HA, the Six Clairvoyances Mantraafter fifteen days of seeing this mantra all the heavy negative karmas you collected in past lives are purified. They built the Forbidden City and the Imperial City, and all these things, and it was envisioned and laid out like a Yamantaka mandala, and the emperor was Yamantaka in the center of this. Right? So in the sensory offerings Yamantaka, the GHENDE, or the perfume is after the flower. Many of the Eastern Mongols had already accepted Tibetan Buddhism at this time, but Neiji Toin wanted to convert the remaining shamanistic Eastern Mongol tribes and get them to accept the Gelug lineage of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism particularly with the practice of Yamantaka. Practice Being Kind Never Undo the Past Appreciate What You Have Practice being Calm always Be Compassionate to Everyone Reach Your Full Potential by eliminating Fear Have Peace in Your Heart Let Your Light Shine Thru What can I do to make a meaningful difference in the World May All Beings enjoy Happiness Hindi Posters Now we get to Lalitavajra (Rol-pai rdo-rje) in the tenth century. After these thirteen months, he met the Guru again at the monastery and reported all of his insights. Therefore I feel guilty to teach them. At this the Guru disappeared., Ra Lotsawa had a difficult time finding him again. So the teachings were in fact there. So since the Manchus wanted to rule over the Mongols as well, they adopted Yamantaka also. One collects a great amount of merit. Yamantaka's practice is only available for those who are initiated but those who do not have his practice can still have his image and make offerings for great protection, the blessings of a Buddha and to create a connection or cause towards receiving his practice in the future and achieving attainments through his practice. Within, within the four, the highest is the Maha Anuttara tantra. Each face has three large round eyes, bared fangs and frightful expressions; brown hair flows upward like flames. For people who have taken the Yamantaka initiation and registered with us, we have an extensive collection of practice materials. The two hands hold a curved knife above and a skull-cup below at the heart. Your donations support this site and the annual costs of maintaining it. So we really need some very, very strong force not to just give in and let ourselves be ruled by this confusion. This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received this Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. In Kalachakra as well, Yamantaka appears as the protector of one of the gateways of the body mandala, as well as one of the sixty protectors in the protection wheel. detailed instructions with measurements for drawing a weapon-wheel used for pacifying, increase, control and forceful actions, then the gathering of the syllables to be placed on the weapon-wheel. Remember this association of Yamantaka with Manjushri? All of that is implicit in these various rituals and things that are explained in the texts which sound as though they are horrible black magic for actually harming others, harmful beings, whereas the intention is for harming the internal enemy, our own selfishness. All the various Indian deities, these various figures, are always riding on top of something. Vajrabhairava is using the forceful energy, like of anger but not really anger, because with anger you are completely exaggerating the negative qualities of something, grasping to it to be truly existent, and then I have to get it away from me. Its not that kind of anger, but its the energy of that and its using that, as I said, to forcefully cut through all your ignorance and your self-cherishing and selfishness and so on. From amongst the many lineages of practices to enter Tibet, two translators, Ra Lotsawaand Mal Lotsawa were known to have disseminated the main transmissions of Yamantaka. Its the region just south of that. In Sanskrit Vajrabhairava means Adamantine Terrifier. The second of the five special features is that in two of his hands he holds intestines and a triangular fire stove. So, Yamantaka's practice is very powerful for protecting oneself against negative, destructive energy. The third mantra is 21 but if you can do more its much, much, much, much better. According to the Ngor Mandalas which correspond to the 139 mandalas of the rgyud sde kun btus (collection of initiation texts, sadhanas, and explanations for those deities) the following individual variations can be distinguished: In the context of this website, we focus on the two main forms practiced as meditational deities in the Gelug school. He then killed the two thieves and drank their blood from cups made from their skulls (so the skull-cup image). Thats the story., And he was still so angry and upset, he decided to kill everybody in Tibet. One monk from there Ra Lotsawa he was called, Ra (Rva) from Radreng Monastery went to Nepal to try to get more understanding of the teachings. Vajrasattva's mantra is a powerful purification prayer that invokes the mindstreams of all the buddhas. He said, I am in complete possession of wealth as vast as space, I dont need any expensive offerings or praises. Ra Lotsawa had been thinking in too limited a way.

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yamantaka mantra benefits

yamantaka mantra benefits

yamantaka mantra benefits

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