196 facts about 196 countries

196 facts about 196 countries

Around 40% of all this country's residents have the last named Nguyen. 90% of all of this country's wildlife can't be found anywhere else. More quiz info >> Start Quiz Show Missing Countries 18 comments )FijiKiribatiMarshall IslandsThe Federated States of MicronesiaNauruNew ZealandPalauPapua New GuineaSamoaSolomon IslandsTongaTuvaluVanuatu. Cats have more than 100 vocal cords. It amuses me a bit that an area of sparsely-populated jungle was swapped for what became a global cultural and economic powerhouse, but on reflection, colonialism-related amusement is not actually very amusing. Also sticking to my guns on South Africa. Since it became independent in 1974, only one president of this country has served a full five-year term, The equator does not actually cross its land territory, Its people are so known for their stylish neckwear that the cravat derives its name from the country, Its lowest ever recorded temperature is 19C, The largest landlocked country in the world, Holds the record for the longest post-election failure to form a government at 541 days, Home to 6,600 Akhal-Teke horses, renowned for their speed, endurance, and gold-coloured coats, Its territory extends over two continents, three oceans and 12 different time zones. Yeah, when I was reading the questions again the other day I thought that was a possibility. 196 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT THE 196 COUNTRIES. I have three questions about football plus one that mentions it. Was worried about how you could reliably calculate "least-visited", but the answer was one of my top 4 guesses, so that helped. I'm afraid I like combined football/geography trivia too much to remove any of them. There was a toddler in this country who smoked 40 cigarettes a day starting from 18 months old. And the other question I strongly disliked was about New York. The alcoholic drink Pisco might have been invented in this country, although its neighbour to the south very strongly disputes that, This landlocked nation operates a navy on the world's 12th-longest river. But this answer certainly works. U.S. States by First Two Letters in 30 Seconds. Challenges to conservation include the remote location and fact that much of the area's oceans are outside the direct jurisdiction of the countries there. The largest meteor shower ever occurred in this country in 1838. As a whole, Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent. There is a town in this country called 'Fail'. The list below has more (partially disputed) countries, a total of 257 countries with links to pages with facts about the country, the flag, maps, population, languages, birth rate, information about the land, size, death rate, animals, coordinates, other facts and additional . the OHiggins, hamster and Jordan TV censorship clues). The country which lies in 2 continents. It is legal to be homosexual if you are a woman in this country, but not if you're a man. World War 2 was the last time a cavalry charge was used in a war. This quiz is amazing! By DBG_1500 Plays - /5 - RATE QUIZ MORE INFO Multiple Choice Best Score? Countries of the World The world is a busy place with changing politics and constantly updated events taking place. This country is the most homicidal country to live in with 90.4 murders per 100000 people. Is there a world of difference between Tonga meaning "southwards" and Australia meaning "southern lands"? No description. I originally wanted to make a question out of the claim that their embassies in the US have to regularly exchange mail addressed to the wrong one. The main thing I dislike about the clues, though, is that if you explicitly knew that that particular pair of countries were frequently confused for each other, you still would not have a great shot at answering it. I will assess the literature and update the question! There is a 400 year old tree in the middle of this country's desert called 'The Tree of Life'. I know english considers y a consonant, but in this case, it isn't. There is a snowy park in this country that melts into a scuba diving center in the summer. The problem about those Tourism data is that they often simply don't collect data for the countries that have the lowest numbers. The world's first full length cartoon film was made in this country in 1917 by Quirindo Cristiani, and inspired Walt Disney. Could use *slightly* fewer football questions. Did you know there are only 196 countries that are not disputed? You cannot reasonably say "Kyrgyzstan" is 90 per cent consonants. Mauritania/Mauritius are probably the most confusingly-similar named countries. The only word originating from this country's language widely used in today's English is 'vampire'. With 196 countries dotting the globe each possessing their own unique cultures, customs and constitutions some regions are bound to foster a few quirky local traditions. Go Orange. Although this country is literally filled with casinos and makes most of its revenue from them, it is illegal for citizens of the country to gamble. )BahrainEgyptIranIraqIsrael (Israel may be located in the Middle East, but it is certainly an outsider culturally and perhaps better belongs attached to Europe, like its seaward neighbor and European Union member state, Cyprus. The fact about Czechia is subjective, could apply to other countries and you could definitely find a better one. This country features the most dangerous road in the world, the North Yungas Road, which is located in the mountains with no guard rails and kills 200 to 300 people annually. The last name of this country's first president was Banana. In its last military engagement in 1866, 80 men left and 81 came back, having experienced no actual fighting but making a friend on their way. A six-metre high statue of Frank Zappa can be found in its capital. Although Taiwan operates independently, many (including USA) do not officially recognise it because China considers Taiwan a breakaway province. This country is the most overweight country in the world with 95% of all its people overweight. The first ever Ebola outbreak occurred in 1976 in what is now this country. This country is the only country to be completely situated 1000 meters above sea level. Having so many peninsulas, and the region itself being a peninsula of Eurasia, means a wealth of coastline on its mainlandmore than 24,000 miles (38,000 kilometers) of it, in fact. Moses "MJ" Alphonso . Greenland and Australia: Continents or Not? If somebody comes from this country, there is a 40% chance that their surname is Nguyen, More than three-quarters of the population is male, The Queen sacked the Prime Minister of this country in 1973, Its capital was to be the title of a sequel to "Casablanca", A desert irrigation project at Al-Kufrah is easily visible from space, The only Commonwealth member-state in Central America, The world's newest sovereign state, having declared its independence in 2011, One of the quarters of the old city of Jerusalem hosts a diaspora from this country, Thor Heyerdahl claimed that the Norse gods of the Aesir came from this country, partly because its first two syllables sound similar to "Aesir", Home to the world's largest species of butterfly; the first specimen was captured after being shot, Its name consists of an English word and a Malay word that both mean the same thing, Its namesake lake hosts more species of fish than any other lake, Most hamsters sold as pets today descend from a litter captured in a wheat field in this country in 1930, Its currency is the highest valued in the world and could buy you 140,000 of the lowest-valued, Its first president, Canaan Banana, made it illegal to make jokes about his surname, Only country in the world named after a mountain range, Colonised successively by Spain, Japan and the United States, this nation became independent in 1981, rejecting membership of a federation with a neighbouring nation, Its capital city has the world's highest concentration of Art Nouveau architecture, Named after a lake which was formerly the fourth-largest of the continent, but has lost 95% of its volume since the early 1960s, Named after a man called Gilbert, although the language has no G, L or T sound, The most frequently misspelled country in British newspaper The Guardian, The province of Cabinda is geographically separate from the rest of the country, Often described as Europe's last dictatorship, The legendary Garuda is a symbol of this country and the namesake of its national airline, Most of the Lucayan Archipelago belongs to this country, Hosted the first Formula One race to be held in the Middle East, Bikini Atoll, nuclear testing site and namesake of swimwear, is part of this country. The world's largest seed, the Coco de mer, weighs 18 kilograms and is found only in this country. The country even gives nature rights in their constitution. Shares its name with the fourth-largest city in its neighbouring country to the east. )Vatican City. hide this ad Question # - Questions Remaining 196 Score 0/196 Timer 20:00 Prev Next PLAY QUIZ Recently Published Faces of Songs II Music 5m Find 7 Cities: SEC Schools In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. It is illegal to take this country's currency, the Kwanza, out of the country itself. Just keep in mind that in any single given year, some countries (often) have effectively 0 visitors, so it's more of a long-term thing. 2 or 3 seems like enough. 2 or 3 seems like enough. I would say there is a significant difference. | Go To Top The inventor of algebra, Al-Khwarizmi, was born in this country. I'm going to adjust the question though. In this listing, they've been placed where most appropriate. Between 1639 and 1853, any citizen who left this country, including fishermen blown off course by accident, could not return. With the exception of continent/country Australia, the region does not occupy a great deal of land. There is an active underwater post office in the sea off of this country. While not technically wrong, the spirit of the question implies several untruths. Partitioned by more powerful neighbours in 1772, 1793, 1795 and 1939, In the Ewe language, its name means "behind the river", Seven-time winners of the Eurovision Song Contest, Has the tallest building in the world by a margin of some 196 metres, Using a number to identify a bank account instead of a name was a concept invented by bankers from this country, In 1870, it voted overwhelmingly to become part of the United States, but the US congress rejected the proposal, The only member state of the European Union which is in Asia, Its language is largely mutually intelligible with those of its two northern neighbours, although they probably still can't understand why the number 75 should literally mean "Five and half-fourth", Its name consists of two words, one from each of the two major languages spoken, and roughly means "Land of the upright people", The only country in the world with a reptile on its flag, The only Central American nation with no Caribbean coastline, The town of Shibam Hadramawt, with its mud-brick buildings up to 30m tall, is known as the Manhattan of the Desert, In Greek, Arabic and Turkish, the word for "orange" (the fruit) is the same as this country, At least half of its population died during a war with three of its neighbours between 1864 and 1870, Volcanic eruptions here have produced one third of the lava erupted in human history, The village of Matmata starred as Tatooine in Star Wars, Cohiba and Montecristo are two brands of one of its most famous products, Was connected by land to its neighbouring country until the 15th century when a storm broke up the natural causeway, Ruled for thousands of years by a monarchy which enthusiastially built pyramids and obelisks, Cyrillic and Latin script are used fully interchangably in this country, Was expelled from the United Nations in 1971, The crown prince murdered nine members of the royal family in 2001, Home to Cox's Bazar Beach, the longest beach in the world, There are not enough Ps in a set of English Scrabble letters to spell its name, Scores an average of 3.5 points per letter in Scrabble scoring, the highest of any country, The first non-English language film to win Best Picture Oscar was from here, If you tunnelled through the Earth starting from Wellington, New Zealand, you would come out in this country, In 1966, under the increasingly erratic rule of its 13th Sultan, this country banned smoking in public, playing football, wearing sunglasses and speaking to anyone for more than 15 minutes, Its full official name is the longest in the world with 56 characters, Known in ancient times by a Greek name meaning "Between the Rivers", Sranan Tongo, a creole language combining English grammar with Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and West African vocabulary, is widely spoken in this country, Elephants go deep underground in search of salt-rich rocks in mountainous regions of this country, The only country outside Africa where cheetahs live in the wild, Ruled by a junta known as the SLORC from 1988 to 1997, Both the women's and the men's world record for the marathon are held by athletes from this country, Declared independence in 2008 but is still only recognised by just over half the world's countries, In 1884, a genius from this country discovered that if you force water at 88C through 7g of ground coffee at a pressure of 130 pounds per square inch, you get a tiny cup of magic, Its parliament has 61% female members, the highest of any country, Formed in 1968 from the union of two countries, a large mainland territory and an offshore island, Until 1997, its name included a cardinal direction. Besides big players like the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, China, Mexico and Brazil, most of these countries have fewer than 50 million residents and might be difficult for people to find on a map. One thing: the layout is a bit of a pain for mobile, but i don't know how you could fix that. Seconded on the Kyrgyzstan issue. These companies are located in several countries, including Japan (3,146), Germany (837), the Netherlands (222), and France (196). There is a giant crater in this country called the 'Door to Hell' as it has been burning since 1971 due to natural gas. I haven't looked at it on mobile, I'll see if there's any way to improve it. "Administered as two separate entities", New Moscow, "Inexplicably gives its name", "Until 1997, it's name included a cardinal direction", Skeleton Coast, Oriental Republic, Crna Gora, Five and half-fourth, Namesake lake, Canaan Banana, The Guardian misspellings, O'Higgins streets, all were clues I really loved. Many people in this country believe in elves, even to the point of a 2013 highway project being halted after fears that it would destroy elf habitats. Despite being a Caribbean island, this country sent 2 athletes to the 2014 Winter Olympics in cross-country skiing. No coins have ever been issued in general circulation in this country, so some people throw banknotes into fountains instead. About a quarter of the population of this country live in traditional tents. Amazing Facts about the 196 Countries Can you match the countries with their individual fun fact? ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilChileColombiaEcuadorGuyanaParaguayPeruSurinameUruguayVenezuela. And depending on that answer, anything from North/South Korea to the Congos to Zambia/Zimbabwe to even like Canada/USA could be a plausible answer. A six-metre high statue of Frank Zappa can be found in its capital. Suggestions for you. Its two islands are separated by a 3km-wide strait called The Narrows, Was invaded by the United States in 1983, ending four years of communist rule, Mozart, Mahler, Schubert and Strauss all came from this country, You can spend this country's money in Singapore and vice versa, Very frequently confused with a similarly-named country to its north, In almost every town here, you will find a street called O'Higgins, After hyperinflation following World War II, its currency was replaced by a new one at a rate of 1 to 4x10^29, If someone's surname ends in "shvili", they or their forebears almost certainly come from this country, Travelling via ship to this country and then crossing it was the quickest way to get from the eastern United States to the west in the 1850s, Teenagers from this country are on average 8 inches shorter than their contemporaries from the country immediately to the south, Both this country and the country that it shares a border with are named after rivers, In 1990, the Prime Minister of this country became the first elected head of government to give birth while in office, Has occupied a large, sparsely inhabited territory to its south since 1975, Both this country and its northern neighbour claim sovereignty over the Halaib triangle, but neither country wants sovereignty of the neighbouring Bir-Tawil triangle, The most recent country to change its capital, doing so in 2019, This nation gained a compass point in its name in 2019 to distinguish it from a region of a neighbouring country, Abolished its monarchy in 1946, although the last king was elected Prime Minister some 55 years later, This nation contains some of the highest mountains in the world, but mountaineering above 6,000m is banned, The Akan people of this country often name their children after the day of the week on which they were born, Has the most Formula One world champions per capita of any nation, Women in this country often wear bowler hats, Abolished its army after a brief but bloody civil war in 1948. https://www.thoughtco.com/official-listing-of-countries-world-region-1435153 (accessed January 18, 2023). Even today some people make a living off of selling scrap metal from those bombs. This country was one of the main locations for the Pirates of the Caribbean films, with many locals hired as extras. Endangered species in the region range from those in the ocean to those in the sky. The first known fireplace ever made by humanity was discovered in this country, estimated to be around 700,000 years old. Going to change that one. In fact, there is no location in Central America that is more than 125 miles (200 kilometers)from the sea. It . The 15 countries of Australia and Oceania vary widely by culture and occupy a large swath of the world ocean. CanadaGreenland (Greenland is an autonomous territory of Denmark, not an independent country. 2. Portuguese may be the official language of this country, but only about 14% of people know it. For example, the Middle East and North Africa are separated from sub-Saharan Africa along cultural lines. 2. As of 2018, data shows that about three-quarters of its population live in urban areas. Some even get a response from this country's official post. If you are only interested in sovereign states, go to the flags of UN members . The worst female serial killer in history, Elizabeth Bathory, killed hundreds of girls in her castle in this country, and then bathed in their blood. The Equator doesn't actually go through this country. In this country's schools, you start by learning its native language, then after a few years you switch to German, and when you start high school you learn in French. The largest religous structure in the world by land area is its biggest tourist attaction, and is also represented on its flag, A young Che Guevara witnessed the 1954 CIA-backed coup in this country, The most generically-named of all countries, Borders five countries, all of which end with the same four letters as it does, The current president is a comedian who played the president in a satirical television programme, The television program that has been repeated the most times in this country is a 1962 British comedy sketch that is virtually unknown in the United Kingdom, Has the highest lowest point of any country at 1400m above sea level, The only nation to successfully land a probe on Venus. But in common parlance it isn't. Also sticking to my guns on South Africa. If it was called "South African Country" then it would win, but "Republic" is a more generic word than "Africa". This country's capital, Brazzaville, and Kinshasa of the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo are the closest capital cities in the world. It's separated from Antarctica by the Drake Passage which is 600 miles wide (1,000 kilometers). "Official Listing of Countries by World Region." In 2008, a beach was stolen from this island country. "Commonly confused with its south-/north-ern neighbor*". View sales history, tax history, home value estimates, and overhead views. This country is the only country in the world to have a non-quadrilateral flag and also to have its timezone to the nearest 45 minutes, not the nearest hour or half hour. Commonly confused by whom? And depending on that answer, anything from North/South Korea to the Congos to Zambia/Zimbabwe to even like Canada/USA could be a plausible answer. In 2013, when contractors in this country wanted to build a new road, they destroyed a 2300 year old Mayan temple for bricks. This country's 419 scammers managed to convince a bank company to put 242 million dollars in their bank accounts. The reason the national color of this country is orange is due to a former ruling family called the House of Orange. The opinions are split 2v2. This country is the least religious country in the world, with only 16% of people believing in a God. This country had an economic crisis in the 1980's, as the president changed all the bank notes to multiples of 9 because they were his lucky numbers. I'd say South Africa is equally as generically named as CAR, but that's also subjective. Great job mixing difficulties on the questions. 196 Turnberry Dr is a 2,116 square foot house on a 0.31 acre lot with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Discussion Top New Hot Failed to load comments. 11. The fact about Czechia is subjective, could apply to other countries and you could definitely find a better one. *I realize that the clue does not actually use the word neighbor, but that is what I took it to mean, and not restricting it to neighbors actually only creates more plausible answers. Rate: Nominate Last updated: August 18, 2022 You have not attempted this quiz yet. 90% of this country is desert and it rains every 5 to 10 years. Go Orange. Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. 820 languages or 12 percent of all the languages in the world are spoken in this country, making it the most linguistically diverse country. These companies are located in several countries, including Japan (3,146), Germany (837), the Netherlands (222), and France (196). However, its culture and settlement are clearly European in nature. 196 facts about 196 countries . I never expected Kyrgyzstan to be the most controversial question. I never expected Kyrgyzstan to be the most controversial question. The tale is apocryphal, but confusion certainly exists. The singer Rodriguez became extremely popular here in the 1970s, but was unaware of his fame until the late 1990s. 2. Their inclusion is based on culture. The world's largest saltwater lagoon is situated in this country. There are 196 countries in the world, unless you don't count Taiwan. 1. In 2008, this country knighted a penguin for being the mascot of the Army. There are 27 countries in Asia and it is the world's largest and most populous region, with about 60 percent of the world's population living there. According to the quiz on world countries, this is the least known country in the world. In some cities in this country, there is a tradition called Takanakuy, where on December 25th, people settle their grudges with fistfights, then go drinking afterwards and start the new year with a clean sheet. The region boasts five of the 10 most populous countries in the world, with India and China taking the top two spots. In 1979, Jean Bedel Bossaka, the dictator of this country, massacred 100 students for not wearing proper school uniforms. New York though, I agree. 2941 sq. Follow this publisher. I haven't looked at it on mobile, I'll see if there's any way to improve it. 2 million tons of bombs were dropped in this country during the Vietnam War. The alcoholic drink Pisco might have been invented in this country, although its neighbour to the south very strongly disputes that, This landlocked nation operates a navy on the world's 12th-longest river. 9. To stop overpopulation in this country, everyone who gets sterilized is given 11 US dollars and is entered in a lottery to win prizes like cars and TVs. And I reckon anyone getting Gambia is copy/pasting the still-yellow countries at the end of the quiz. 9. The biggest attraction in this country is called the 'Seven Colored Earth'. Locals hired as extras ; Alphonso gives nature rights in their bank accounts 100 students not... To convince a bank company to put 242 million dollars in their bank accounts 196 facts about 196 countries actually..., could apply to other countries and you could 196 facts about 196 countries that not attempted this yet. N'T know how you could definitely find a better one largest saltwater lagoon situated! Humanity was discovered in this country Jean Bedel Bossaka, the Kwanza, out of quiz. 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Dropped in this country, so some people throw banknotes into fountains.! Quarter of the Caribbean films, with many locals hired as extras in this country, massacred 100 for! The Caribbean films, with India and China taking the Top Two.! About football plus one that mentions it the first known fireplace ever made by was. On a 0.31 acre lot with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms cross-country skiing throw banknotes into fountains..

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196 facts about 196 countries

196 facts about 196 countries

196 facts about 196 countries

196 facts about 196 countries

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